
Trap in a world of soccer, disillusion by soccer betting, come back strong and steady, gave up betting but dive into soccer analysis, to help other people overcome the odds, with my own predictive tools

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Location: Singapore

Tuesday, August 29, 2006


Days so far;

Yap since the last knock off being busy over the weekend with my charts again; it is much easier last season as I was testing my first 2 charts and targeting only the top 6 leagues. But now after I finish with 2005, generalize the performance of the charts and it's pros and cons, I move on to conquer the rest of the world ( alot of other league lah) and it can be rather time consuming; but if I can let my predictions be a guilding light to my children out there, I feel I am building a bridge of sarvation for many a suffering souls. Amen AmitaBa......

For my part time (tele-marketing), I finally manage to secure a appointment (deal). After 3 nite sessions, and recording a big fat zero each day in my daily call sheet, the zero is so big YOKOZONA (a wrestler) can swim in it.....sigh. My boss was still quite encouraging but I know he really hope for some miracle from the squad and me. :(

Apart from scoring zero, I was also running late for sat, and my boss being puntual control freak, wasn't exactly too happy, but bringing in a deal for him probably wipe the sledge clean (I hope). I can only accept I was late 7 mins; how was I gonna tell him, I last min had a tummy ache, went to toilet, that was fine, still got time... the fucking 197 ain't comin around for 20 mins and finally decide to take 12 which stops at Bugis, 10 mins walk to North Bridge Centre. Ran my heart out in 6 mins, carrying my still-existing toothache, and asethmatic breatheless-ness, coupled with a body un-condition to exert 100m dash. Sucks on a saturday morning.....

All I can say is 7 mins late....:(.... and as I crash into the room after sign in, quickly pick up my files and start calling at the neartest phone counter, I notice the whole squad looking at me, the boss looking at me with a droppie eyes but darkened face, quickly ask me to sit down as he is about to give a new product about shame. Well, at least I broke the ice that day and handed in a deal.


Whenever I am broke and depress I tend to log into XiaXue and Stomp nowadays. She (XX) is a source of inspiration for me and looking at her now and when she first started out in 2004, she's come a long way. Her no-nosense, mouth shooting, targeting to heart comments, somtimes accompany by a tweak of humour, is really embracing. It can raise my spirits in a day fill with darkness. I really started reading her blog after I was sickle by my American firm in May 2005 and I was deeply attracted to her kawaii looks but more drawn to her writing. I was thinking how nice if I can do something I like and get recognition for my efforts/ or abuse for my bull. Nuts.... it seems cool people are reading about your thoughts and not barking yu over deadlines for once. Naturally I went on to do something else but I have since hit new lows in my life and I think what the hack, give blogging a try, I love soccer analysis and writing and I should do something about it. It seems a lot of my frens are saying I am insane for doing something that doesn't bring in the dough... too commercial too typical (XX, too has her fair share of critics but look at her today) . I too try looking for jobs but was rejected straight in the face, I guess I can only do part time for the moment and do something I like all at once, I'm broke and reach the abyss of desolution, what else can happen....? My fren Han (Katong comic shop laopan) even suggested I turn this into a suicidal blog, that way sure can get more hit; hey dude log in to givehalfball man I think he's really gonna do it today, cut man make it deep, yeah, and that dude probably wank off after looking at all my blood. Look man bad publicty is better than no publicity, ......%&%$#%^. I have my own approach thanks!

I have to admit back in 2003/2004 I was hurrying away in a life as a asst designer in a American firm and all was well I know I have a stable job, cash and everbody was loading me with kangtao or part time stings, I have to admit some cash in and some burn out, but it was in the spirit of the game that I participated. I was in a roll with a full time job and part time soccer betting and it was happy meals for me all day long. Ladies wanted to touch me, and frens worship me by kissing my glich (tip of my cork). Everyday has something new, girls look pretty and skys are blue. I were said 1 of the mistakes was I dun save enough for a rainny day. Sure, I got savings from earlier years but I stop saving or looking for ways to save once my mom went out of job in1998, I was single handedly taking care of everthing and maintaining a lifestyle I desired. Adam Khoo, a self made millionarie by the time he hit 26, has written something about tis in his new book and that was to keep a clean balance sheet. There was frens who advised me but I dun really see the truck coming around the corner in 2005, so I just appreciate their concern. Happy to go along my marry go round.

Fast forward to 2005/2006, sickle from the full time job, with a extra 1.5 months salary, looking around for new oppurtunities, try survey on the net (most of them target US citizen only, you can actually make a decent living off it in the states), but it doesn't pay internationally, started working part time jobs as full time draughting dun see me as potential employable candidates, it seems a lot of such companies perfer yu to have knowledge in Autocad and dun want to train yu from scratch. Even if yu know the software, they expect yu to be up to speed when yu go in. So even knowing the software, no cigars mister. Did come across a web investment opportunity and withdraw my insurance and pump half of it into it. Hoping it can tie me over (yes was already broke by Oct,2005) and hopefully change my life. I did manage to earn but my money was frozen in assets by SEC in US, as my agent representive was held up for misuse of funds, super bad luck. The investigation will probably mean it will take years before I can see my own money (around $4k). We are not even talking about the money I've made, amount up to $6k. It has been a rough ride for me during that 2.5 months. This finally crack in Feb 2005.

So, back to doing part time and face more rejections by potential draughting companies, until Aug 2005 , have a lot of my time on my hand as 1 of my part time has no incoming projects. And just tis nite tele-marketing job. So decide to start doing blogging, what the hell, I am dead alreadi anyway and if ever a couple years from now and my blog do pick up, and I can hopefully earn a small living thru its namesake, I will view this junction as a TURNPOINT. I would said it is the month I took a leap of faith into the unknown. Just like (XX) did in 2004..........

Back to my soccer analogy:

Chap 4: Sequence Chart

There is gonna be 1 more chap to my analogy which I will publish in the coming weeks. Watch out for it and I will start my prediction blog.

This is funny cause I actually feel lighter tis days, due to all the failures and retributions I encountered in my last 2 years. I am depress nevertheless but happy I come away stronger than ever, quote:

"Life can knock you down; but make sure you smile back up like a clown" By me......Another 1 of my frens pics for your viewing plaesure.

Aliosi, Fatspider spinning out.


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