
Trap in a world of soccer, disillusion by soccer betting, come back strong and steady, gave up betting but dive into soccer analysis, to help other people overcome the odds, with my own predictive tools

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Saturday, September 02, 2006


Days so far;

Last 2 days, busy with setting up my 'Fatspider Chart Predictions' blog; finally a cheap platform to make my prdictions known to public, due to clashing with work, I am afraid Japan/China matches sometimes might not publish in time. But I do my best for the rest......most important is the top 6 league right!

Back to my part time job, my boss cut the squad (some resign too lah) from 20 to 9, on thursday. And another resign at the end of the day. Our working group was down to 8. I think he's also worry that he overdid it this time, but he is training up another class of 20 next week. Hence, the viscious cycle continues.

I must say I am quite surprise I am still in this 8, maybe with some people resigning I am temporary spared the fate but let's not jinx it. I was only late once but my attitude is quite good really, but my quota sucks 3 deal 1 sales 1 reject 1 pending, some guys that were sack was way better than me to be honest. I guess I really have to push myself a bit, but it is quite difficult to sell water puriflier, blame OSIM for penetrating the market first.

Went around on my off day and I makan/makan like crazy, blame it on stress, dun believe I ate away $13 at 3 differeny locations, all $3 stuff or so, but of course include tea/kopi too lah. After buying another $8 (4d & toto), down to my last $9, looks like have to endure a bit lah, tomorrow just take lunch and skip dinner (hope my mom buys). Need to borrow again....:(


Internet improvement (speed & security) over the last last decade has certainly increase opportunities over the web, more and more people order stuff over the net and resulting in more and more people been subsituted, or lay off. Look around you and yu know what I meant. Most of these people are former salesman themselves, usually in product/accessories sales. Eventually Singapore consumer concept will be similar to US, cyber purchase.

Of course there are other exceptions like myself, but my debacle was indirectly link to the internet too. The arrival of a software to convert about half of my labour and instantaneously produced and sent via internet (used to be fax/later email) to any corners of the world. Naturally, the company see this as a cheaper option; so there are people's life being ruin in the mist of technological development too. Good example here....:(

In the US, the sales sector (items sales) have drop so drastically that more and more people are switching over to the service sector and such a trend is surfacing here as well. I go for different kind of interviews and I see a lot of this similar in (30 +) age people sitting opposite me (vise versa when they stared back). The difference between them and me is majority works in shop and sell products, some from banks and sell fiancial plans, some even insurance agent caught in the x-fire.

Amist all this, internet work options have risen ; survey/type brochues/forum moderator/email-filter, but all requires yu to pay a certain amout of fees before the doors are open, ranging from $60 to $300, hold your horses between yu charged in (been there, done that), most of such adverbs are cheap (relatively), and promise yu jobs with good pay over the net, but however, it is open to US/Canada citizen, what is left in the pie is crumps so small, the 'kroaches' dun eat, let alone we have the whole South-East Asia, maybe China fighting for that job, just purse to think for a minute, the only winner here are the agencies. They take your fees and refund to some, to get good publicty, but most of the time; 'See yu later, Aligator'.

The other window of opportunities, are internet investment like AutoSurf/Hedge Fund/ HYIP. This present a higher percentage of return, but naturally the risks are much higher. To a lot of seasonal investers/punters, they will tell yu internet jobs are too slow for their liking thus a punt or 2 at the right investment , is the way to go. Yu have a better chance of losing your money at shares, some will say, but I feel it is equal. Shares yu usually still have a bit of money left if something goes astry but internet investments (ponzi) will leave yu dry unless yu do some background check on the payout frequency. But, 1 thing both are similar, set a target, go in quick, earn quick, and used half of it to roll. Dun be greedy, some can make a killing out of it, but please dun make a living out of it.

I myself have personally done a lot of background check (forum/investments article) on my internet investment agency (12dp) and everybody gives thumbs up, the payout is average (12% for 20 days), lots of much better ones out there, but they closed shop and run too fast. The payout frequency is smooth too. But, in the end the US government steps in and closed the operation, it is still undergoing investigations but the distribution of funds will take years to resolve. I got my own 3k+ stuck inside and looks like will only get back crumbs.

So the next best thing is to set up your website (my blog, cheapest lah), and hope for some miracle to happen. I won't reveal too much for the time being how I intend to do that, but it is definately not thru collecting kangtao money on the web. From what I know it could be against the law. No, my predictions is free from my charts. (Of course, my selective opinion is another thing altogether, haha) I just hope to grow in publicity for the moment.

Like a guru (there's a show about him, he is skid-zo crasy, but win noble prize) once gave a economics theory, 5 man go to a bar and there are 5 girl in the bar, 1 of the bitch looks like Fiona Xie, rest range from the lesser beauties like Apple Hong to Patriacia Mok, if all 5 hit on Fiona, hack the chances of success are so much zero, if the boys had a agreement and all of them aim for individual targets except Fiona, at least 3/4 pairs will go home happy. Leaving Fiona to lower her target and thus reach out for the remaining. This is a law of biz and also 1 of the law of ShuZiPinFa. My point....the bar is the internet.....the boys are like making a switch from other line...... Fiona (investment).......Apple (internet jobs).......someone(retail over internet)...........and that leaves me with Pat Mok (self start website). Hey, she also not bad lei, she sometimes wear sexy sexy I also abit turn on sia. But someone direct me to Felicia Chin, can?

Fatspider Spinning Out.........


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7:45 PM  
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9:09 PM  

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