
Trap in a world of soccer, disillusion by soccer betting, come back strong and steady, gave up betting but dive into soccer analysis, to help other people overcome the odds, with my own predictive tools

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Monday, September 04, 2006


Days so far;

Since the last post, just spending some time relaxing at home, makan and read thru other people's blog, broke lah. Lucky met up with a fren (sat) and he decided to lend me $20, tuesday I will get another $100 back from somebody, guess that will be it till payday at 10th, Sept. Really enduring, but it meant a lot of blog reading, which I personally enjoyed anyway.....not many league matches so a lot more free time tiz weekend.....:)

Back to my part time job, something interesting happen to me, as all may know, now I am doing part time tele-marketing, a lot depends on luck and your fate are more or less sealed by the sales performance. I came in sat, was doing so badly that until my last call, was getting zero all the way, a lot of the good ones have already hit 2 min, some 3 or 4. When my boss ask us to do last call, I was caught in a decision whether to choose Angmoh or Chinese from my lead (a list of address with telephone). I decided to go for the Chinese lah, since so bad luck, may as well end it. Angmoh will most probably be the better sales prospect. I call, this guy answer and I naturally do some small talk and inquire if he has a filter install at home. He reply 'yes' and I was about to throw in the towel and grab another survey form to fill up (for the competitor). That's when he start complaining that his old filtration system doesn't work properly....Ting! I have to give it a shot, I supported him and joke a bit and throw in some reassurance that our price is reasonable. Phew, he took the bait, and I have 1 potential at least. It shows that this kind of job can indicate your luck, so my luck swing from no good to good as the day go by. It all speaks true as I was supposed to collect $100 from my fren but he said only tuesday. I met up with another fren and upon learning I am down to my last $2, pass me $20 to help me get by first, that is to a certain aspect a swing in my luck too.

To be truth even if there are 8 people left, there are 5 that consistently bring in some sales everyday.Me and another 2 girls are the back-benchers, my boss has arrange for the 2 girls to sit in with the top 2, for the 1st hour next week to learn. I indicate that I like to sit in too but he reluctantly allowed me, maybe he thinks I am trying to laze off, but it is actually good to learn from the top people some of their mojo.


I love to read comics, from American (X-men, Spider Man) to menga (D-Gray, Full Metal Alchemists, Naruto, Bleach) to Honkie (DragonTigerGate, Magical Weapons, A Chinese Hero). It all started from a tender age and grew to a love in my later stages in life.

Late 70's to late 80's

I always remember Peter Parker in my early days as that was my very first comic book series that I read. Spider Man will always be a classic in my heart and I guess a lot of people (maybe loser like myself) can relate to. It shows us underdogs can bite back too, and Pete's wisecracks (similar to me in my early years) will always bring in more trouble than he can handle.

Other comic in that era that deserve a good read, American(SuperMan/Flash/JLA/Avengers/Hulk/Thor) and for menga (astro boy/ultarman/Devil God/Masked Rider/Blackjack the Doctor) and Honkie (DragonTigerGate/Buddha's Palm/Drunken Fist/A Chinese Hero)

I guess US comic are more creative during that era, the artwork and storyline are way beyond menga and Honkie comics. Menga are too innocent (storyline was poor but artwork was between US and Hookie), Honkie might have good story line but pales in artwork.

1. USA
2. Japan
3. Honkie

Early 90's to Millinium

This is the time X-men and to a certain extent Batman (late 90's due to show) were hot, probably due to the TV but the rest of the pack drop in packing order. I can't remember any good jap menga, but it tends to concentrate more on sports, with whistle/slam dunk/the first punch being more porpular, this period is the evolution of Honkie comics and this is the decade it announced its dominance in the comic market. Dragon/Tiger/Gate is still there but people are getting tired of it due to it's too elaborate storyline. A Chinese Hero is still there but the storyline really gone stagnant. The emergence of a certain TianXia (The World) is the moving force in this decade of Honkie comic and a lot of fans were brought over due to it. It is also the time a lot of comic shops that switch over from US to Honkie comics, made their profits. Yeah, no joke!

My favourite during this era, X-men,DragonTigerGate,A Chinese Hero, I don't really follow the craze, I know about TianXia but I just dun support them.

American comics storyline (exception of X-men) drop in compare to our Asian counterparts. Japan menga has improved in story and artistry but nothing can compare to TianXia, it sets the a new standard that was hard to follow.

1. Honkie
2. Japan
3. US

Millinium to 2006 (the dark/golden ages)

X-men/Spider Man/Batman make a revival due to the movies and to a certain extent Daredevil and Hellboy. This is the time Jap menga overtake everybody and stand centrestage in the arena. They have improved in leaps and bounds with Naruto/Bleach/D-Gray/FMA. In the Honkie side, TigerDragonGate made a comback with their redrawn version and is quite a hit. TianXia is stagnant, and Magical Weapons seems to be the driving force in the market. Also deserved a mention is TaTang/Shoot Condors. Singapore/Taiwan artists are also coming up too during this decade which have to be commended.

I would say this is the golden ages for all comic readers as the artists have raise the bar during this last 6 years and have produce very good quality literature. But I would also like to highlight the arrival of the dark ages, yes, no more is a comic just pure good vs evil. It dwells on the inner struggles of the hero (his deep dark elter ego) and sometimes the bad guy has a soft spot too which is also a pleasant surprise as well. Yu can says the stories have become darker but the utimate battle between good and evil still remains. It sures produce wonderful reading for everybody and the best of all yu get to choose a bad guy as your favourite character. MuaaHaha

My picks are X-Men/Naruto/Bleach/FMA/D-Gray/DragonTigerGate (Remix)/A Chinese Hero (Remix)/Magical Weapons.

1. Japan
2. Honkie
3. USA

Have also found a good link for all Naruto fans, enjoy!

Fatspider spinning out....


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