
Trap in a world of soccer, disillusion by soccer betting, come back strong and steady, gave up betting but dive into soccer analysis, to help other people overcome the odds, with my own predictive tools

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Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Fatspider Devil (hey anyone see DeathNote....lately)

Days so Far;

Really angry but I half expected it, the tele-marketing job has cease to pay me again, so far after working for 3 weeks there, 1st week they pay, 2nd week they gave me a cheque written for 6th,October, and this latest episode. The reason my supervisor gave was that the boss is oversea, he'll call me to collect when he received the sign off cheque/cash from the gaffer. I've just been rape in the asshole by Bangalah.... shit.

I was really lucky as I completed 2 drawings from mon/tues and R pay me $80 first. Without tis little amount I think I might just faint in starvation. (After lunch, I was down to $4) . I gave $50 to my mom to pay for my internet bill and I just have to make do with $30. Hope I can complete some more drawings or my gaffer gets everything settled by sat. Even when my luck turns better I am still trap by my economical tendrils. Sigh...


Ever wonder why yu go thru a long period of bad luck and there is just no way out? Well, yu are looking at a living example personify. Yeah, my run started right after CNY 2004 and it hit real low at May 2005 (lost my US firm job but still have money) and Oct 2005 (broke and hospitalize but still with a job). It hit another low at Feb 2006 (my investment asset was frozen by SEC but still have a job). But I feel the worst hit was in May 2006 (totally broke penniless and without a job). I know I am going thru a bad run but I hope to see a U-turn up ahead.

In such bad times, I will have to bring your attention to a lot of things, first foremost fengshui. Yu know the ancient saying first fate,second luck, third feng shui.... well, there is some truth to that.

My story;

Fate: I would say I am not fated to be rich, my closest family in Malaysia are not going thru the best of time too. One can actually track one's fate by following the actions and steps taken by their parents and predict a predestined fate. Of course one can argued that all this hocus-pocus are bull to the core and one's fate is in 1's hand. True but the only way a person can bend fate if yu have superhuman luck and extraordinary fengshui to back yu up.

Hardworking can only help yu that far but if yu dun have luck, damn...half the result. Luck can make up for hardworking but if yu are not hardworking enough... 3/4 the result. The best are both elements working hand in hand. My parents are living examples of the above analogy. My papa the later and my mom the former. In wealth we despair, but in health, well my papa is a bit weak, he pass on at 60, but my mom is pretty gritty at 67, it runs in the family as my grandma live to a ripe old age too, I guess it is a good trade-off more than anything. I am a strong believer that fate are inherited, I just hope it tilts more to my mom's side, at least in health....

Good Luck: Yes luck can be made; some have more than others. I strongly believe luck has a direct linkage with the karma of one's life, either now or prior (if yu believe in recarnation of course). Through my observation over the years, I can generally define good luck into 2 types;

Big Ben- This will be like a person would generally have bad luck but tends to have very good luck just for a short spell but it is superb luck, but I have to have the admit if a person is not fated for wealth, usually he might miss it, or have a smaller helping. But if he do rides on it, well this are the lottery winner or successful bizz owners

Woodpacker-This is like a person has no bad luck all thru his life; he has good luck always but it is all in small gains. This belong to all the working people with good pay and no worries.

Funnel- All the luck has been trap and what comes out are residue of luck that dun speak too good for a comfortable lifestyle. Generally workers belong to this group, usually hardworking too. But, all the efforts and sacrifices usually come to null.

No surprises for guessing which group I'am in.....

FengShui:It always hold true that a good fengshui can help in a big way in filtering your bad luck away. Usually the good luck absorption factor are so much harder to come by. Yu will be smiling if your bad luck stays to a minimum on long patches of despair such as the one I am enduring now. But I personally feel it by a change in living quaters from Commonwealth (South) to Geylang (East).

Commonwealth or CW for short is a whracker for me, I totally loses it, my part time biz die off in 3 months, I suffer a whole year of bad luck in wrong investments and bad relationships (2004) until losing my job in May 2005. I stayed on there until August 2005 and it completely destroy my life. The rent was a killer too and the place is pretty secluded up on a hill. Not forgetting landing a shitty job at the internet shop.

Geylang is a turning point, I know I am clashing into a 12 year cycle (usually very bad luck thru the year) and 2006 is a dog year. So as a dog I must know, does tiz place provide me with enough filter to last until the end? I was quite lucky to come across a newspaper that uses 1 example of a house that has a door facing west and sitting east, best for 1970 people and they will enjoy 20 years of very good luck in their main job.

I found tiz place and with a check of my compass, immediately like it already. But the place is really run down and hot/humid and is not conditional for living. People that rent a place here all has a lot of finanicial problems and that is a proven fact. Once I moved in, I was immediately ask to work for the comic shop all in a day, and after that the 12dp investment programme comes in and I was starting to believe it. But I forgotten that tiz is a dog year and even if I have luck, it will be in a job not thru investment.

Yu guys probably know what comes after that and I was down and out again, but I slowly realised what tis house can give me in terms of character, I became stronger and more hardworking, and it more or less got stuck in me. I guess going hungry and a detachment from all my mortal sin really builts my fighting spirit up. I was never in my life hard-working except during my school days. When I started working I get depress a lot as I dun really know how to handle human relationships but I was quite lucky from (20 to 30) so it goes on quite smooth, but after 30, stock market crash, lost in soccer punting, I naturally became weaker and forgotten tiz other side of me. I forgotten the first 20 years of my life was like shit where my father beat me up and cheat on my mom, with no money but just a burning desire to prove myself, yes I was hardworking as I had a inferior complex that is way too strong. However, now I am hardworking but I dun feel inferior before like my youth days. Yes, even though I have 80c in my poach most of the time enough for a tea-o only,I f**k life in it's face and spit at poverty.

The first person to see it are my frens like R, comic shop boss and my supper neighbour. Even when out of job in August I forced myself to study blogging thru the net and I was really surprised at my development too. To be honest, I sleep a average of 5 hours per day and study opportunities and blog and get inspirational by XX and that fellow that earn a mil thru pixel advertising. I swear if I will make it there someday.

So, I finally realised what tiz house has done, I dun know if it is feng shui but it brought back a part of me so lost in time, it was forgotten in the deepest depth of my soul. A hunger to strive even for no money. So, I began to see the intricate workings of it all, and with an upcoming job and a new influx of cashflow, I just have to ride the year and wait for GOOD LUCK to arrive, only then can tis feng shui thing completes it's cycle of clensing.

Just a note that during a damnation year (12 year cycle), yu really can see the differance in luck especially during the ghosts month. I mean like I do prayers and stuff just before it start but I do get brushes with the supernaturral in the toilet of R's working place. I also get press by a spirit in my house and nearly knock down by a car with my neighbour. I also withness a cat got chop into 2 by a roving taxi. Job loses seen like a norm during tiz period and even if yu get a part time job (telemaketing), it will be unrewarding (look at the problems I have in getting my pay). It just seem too coincidental that my luck suddenly just pick up on the last day of ghosts month. Hmmm...Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting I'll still standing mutherf**ker, come and get me....


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