
Trap in a world of soccer, disillusion by soccer betting, come back strong and steady, gave up betting but dive into soccer analysis, to help other people overcome the odds, with my own predictive tools

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Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Jumping Spider (Salticidae) are so cute, Bionk Bionk Bionk

Days so Far;

Well things are turning out for the better since last week and I am happy again; lets start off where I left off, that's facing rejection in arranging for interview (not even attending a proper interview) .I received 2 calls on 14th,Sept morning... (last day of ghost month) ...or groom month.

First was a request to invite me down again for the SCV training for direct sales (which i kindly rejected), reason I have mention in my previous posts (too undefined for my liking in terms of income). I ain't flyin off yet with the mp3 /mp4 thing either.... so pardon me if I sense another failure programme!

Second was from a security guard firm (more like e-mail lah) telling me a big THANK YOU for spamming up their inbox with my application letter. Apparently they print out 3 times in the paper and I sent in 3 times (a last act of desperation I guess as I really dun have money at all). I assume they only wanted to take in NSRS trained personel but that course itself will setback a Singaporean $300 and for a mud fud PR ($800). Who saying we foreigner have it easy, screw the neck of a wine-bottle with a cork-twister. When I ask whether they provide a loan or possible deduction from my future salary if it means selling my soul. Hell no.... (to be honest, I did inquire from the same company 1 year ago and they say yes to the above, but I was only weighing my options then as I still have a comics job)....Sigh....Yap

Blog a bit and went to see 'Joe Tucker must die' in the afternoon(down to last $60, so what the hell lah). Just for the record, only that dog Jesse Metcalfe (yeah the gardener who sleeps with Gabrelle in Desparate Housewives) is keeping tiz show from falling apart. He really took a pretty flat part and bring it to live. In this show, the main characters are actually the ladies so the man are side-dish. But he's good.... that's all I can say and I am a any ladies reading my publish should go catch him. I really wanted to gawked at Ashanti , the sex goddess of rap but .... Jesse is way too cool.

After the show, received my first piece of good news from R, he wants me to start work again tiz week monday. I naturally was thrill as he pay by per drawing and I really needed some liquify cash juice, not cold hard cheque (from tele-marketing). I went back home and received more good news, 4 potential employers ( for hiring came knocking and ask if I am interested, and invite me to sent in my resume. (But no draughting job lah). I did but to be honest, I haven't received anything from them till tis day. But it still brightens up my day!

Next day was even batter, 2 phone calls inviting me for interviews for draughting; Ting Ting, I strongly believe the sudden turn of event is in the software application area; they choose Microstation over Autocad. Wow, I couldn't believe my ears; Microstation is rite down my alley even though I lost touch for over 2 years and the latter; well yu all know the stories so far, I have been begging potential employers to train and give me a chance , but all perfer to leave thy cold at the doorsteps like the black plague. To be honest, this 2 are the 1st pair of postings asking people with Microstation knowledge to step up in like 1 year+, goodness! Talk about dinosaur extinction!

I agreed and set the interview on a monday and wednesday tiz week. A check with R indicates he's cool too by giving me some time off. The week was already looking up for me. I went about the usual biz of updating my charts over the weekend and waited for the big day to arrive.

Well off to face the firing squad cum monday and I purposely arrived half an hour early. The doorway to the firm has a statue of Buddha or Siam goddess overlooking the door and a fountain with goldfish in it. Hmmm.. looks good! I sat down, fill up the form and waited for my interviewer to arrive. The Green Mile was long and silent.

I was greeted by a sweet voice and tiz cute young lady smile and ask me why was I so early, I just smile and nodded my head. Yap, she was the one on the phone and happens to run the draughting department. I was totally impressed, I dun know whether by the threshold of power she exhibits for such a young age or just simply being a drop dead gorgeous lady with a killer smile (no kidding). She looks like a matured Janet from the Newpaper NewFace tis year. Yeah!

I waited a while for her to kick start her gear (she just came) and we sat down to my interview......! After a couple of general questions and software inquiry, she ask if we can do a drawing test on her console. Jialat lah testing of the software on the spot.

Autocad is way too long ago for me to remember, and Microstation I stop touching for 2 years, however good I am, I still need half a day to partial/total recall. My heart sank and told myself just my luck for going into something with so little preparation. I should have anticipated it.

First was the Autocad ver2004, I failed miserable. But lucky I was quite honest beforehand in saying my Autocad is veri le weak. I know like version 12 from early 90's.... roll eyes.... shallow sweat....vomit blood!

Ok next Microstation, I have to admit I was using ver 5.5 till my last drawing entry and what the hell is ver J ? So tis was my last chance and I really need to dig deep. The drawing seems simple enough but the icons....well....different....roll eyes again. To make things more uncomforting, I was more into command with a dialog box rather than icons. But I still play it safe by using them. It's my last chance, lucky I still know the steps (from 10 years) so it's a guess on which icons do what. I managed to come up with the drawing but it was far from accurate. I feel that I failed and I should be ashamed....period.

But the nice lady, let's call her D, came over and just ask me some more general questions ranging from m & e to software again to architectual than interior design. I answer to the best of my abilities and I feel they are weak answers in a dying whimper of despair. But surprise.... she ask me to hold up for a while to let her speak to her boss. Later, she ursher me in and I have a nice chat with the boss. He seems serious but a nice chap by far and assured me the salary I quote was ok but he is more worry on how I'll perform. He say he will consider my offer and just wait for their answer. Bing on no, de javu all over again....well as least there's another interview 2 days later and I am more prepared for this type of session.

On my way back to R's office in Katong, I bump into Ah Han (comic shop laopan) and he ask me what the hell am I doing here (Toa Payoh) and where am I going. I told him I'am heading to his shop teasingly but later I reveal I am working for R that day. He was happy for me and ask me to rate my chances for tiz interview? I say to be honest, I thinking I made a serious mistake in mentioning a second interview later in the week and also my blogsite....sigh. The boss ask for it and say he will check it out during his free time, if that's 1 thing tiz interview taught me, really be prepared for the angels and devils to pop up and start dancing.

Well, borrow a Naruto book from Ah Han and was settling down to my fav chicken rice with egg at KT shop ctr, received a call from D, yippie, I start work next week (2nd of Oct) but 3 months probation first. Well the deal is almost seal just left with the wax chop and envelope. I felt totally out of tis world, so much negativity and fustration that built up over tis 1 whole year all push up thru my windpipe, I proceed to shout out loud and a lot of on-lookers started staring but I continue laughing and shouting with the chicken rice flying out of my mouth. I dun care, I deserved a break after been thru so much. Naturally the pay here is still far from the US firm but it is a step at least. A step into a calm sea of hope coming thru a storm of devestation.Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
Thank yu lady D for guilding my lost ship to a safe habour.......

The next 2 days are just busy with work at R place, tomorrow will meet up with former collegues from the telemarketing firm to collect my 1 week pay. I sincerly hope they dun pull the cheque thing again as I am veri broke and down to my last $10. R did ask if I needed some juice $$ to crush, and I know he is trying hard knocking on clients doors to ask for payment but all ask him to wait till Oct. I respect him as a boss but on top of that I too valued him as a good fren. I already told myself to get from the telemak first, only if something go astry than I'll approach him with a advance of tis week pay.

I leave with a happy note and vid to describe my feelings;

Yoda Dance: me too happy lei

Yoda vs Samuel.Jackson


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