
Trap in a world of soccer, disillusion by soccer betting, come back strong and steady, gave up betting but dive into soccer analysis, to help other people overcome the odds, with my own predictive tools

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Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Hilter Karl Fat Sriner

Days So Far;

I feel so fustrated like my Nazi Chief ID;

After I was sacked last sunday (10th of Sept), I spend monday nite rounding up some potential part time jobs and sent out 3 email; tuesday nite I sent out 4 and by wed and thurs; I decided enough already; no more waiting so I walk into 2 interview unannounced and hoping for the best; finger cross and twisted ass, whatever yu call it......

One is a starhub cable service direct sales (dun know beforehand) and require yu to go door to door with no basic pay; I need a quick income fix, not a forecast. I already got that already thru H's MP3/4 dealership supplies (a easier item to solicitate) and even this I find it hard to sell too. Although admittedly I dun think I push that hard; but I do participate in local tech gadgets forum and promote a bit; post the pricelist on my blogs and gave flyers to my collegues in my last job (poly students of course).

One of them for you viewing pleasure.....

Even got Ah Han (Comic shop boss) to help me push but so far a lot of of inquiry and flyer distribution at his shop too. No one really like to purchase, they just want to act cool in front of their frens, sigh .... sad but true!

My second job interview is even more pathetic; I didn't even get to speak one word. This was for a part time telemarketing job in a tour company. There is a sad story in there too; which goes like this. I went in there and fill up my particulars and waited...., I notice sitting opposite me was a 50+ man, he has a really dejected look upon his face (those of which like a dead guy), I figured he may be one of the investor or he may be my interviewer for that matter and decided I should give him a smile at least. But, still he remains motionless, just sitting there like a plant exercising photosynthesis. Never mind, 10 mins past and the counter lady receive a call and walk up to this man; and had a short talk; below is their conversation;

Lady : 'Sorry for letting you wait 2 hours, the interviewer has a sore throat and decided to conduct the interview thru phone on another day.'
Obasan:' But 2 ladies came after me and you ursher them in.... yu told me to wait here'
Lady: ' Yes, but those 2 are his and he knows them'
Obasan:'But they fill up the form like me too, can't yu make a exception, I already waited 2 hours...'
Lady:' Sorry, the door is that way dun need to show yu out.'

So the Obasan stands up and started to make his way out and I noiced a jerk in his walk that would normally associate with a stroke patient. My heart immediately sank, if I would to get the part time at the expanse of tiz poor guy. I would carry the weight in my heart for the next couple of weeks. He looks like he probably needs it more than I do.

So when the Lady came to me; I ask her, 'Is the interviewer sore throat better?' She shakes her head and I didn't even think twice about leaving, I stood up walk towards the door. On my way out, I sneaked a peek at the interview room and so this 50 something old man inching quite close to a young 18+ lady. There are mirrors arranged in such a way he can see us but we can never stared in (unless leaving). In my heart, I cursed and swear not so much about my job rejection, but the contrasting fate of 2 different old man......(This is the worst age/sexual discremation case since Clinton and Leveski), the jerk probably thought he can get away with office sore/deep throat from all these geisha interviews. Yeah, I'll do it, I'll deep throat him until his bob starts to turn blue and bite his whole piece off... just to ease my fustration.....and see some justice in all this !

Naturally for the next 2 nites I sent out more emails than ever just to avenage my own punishment. Wed nite (5) and Thurs nite (4). And on thursday decide to buy newpaper and call on the same day, well, it doesn't seem like a surprise when they told me the job is taken, I dun really have a surprising sweet voice anyway. But I guess people nowadays just perfer young lass to old bags of wind. I lost steam on friday, sending out only 2 emails but I have to chart for the weekend leagues anyway and that disorientated my job hunt/hurt for a while.

On top of all of these, when I went back to collecting my pay on wed, the telemarket shop pay me half in cash and half in cheque, dating to next f**king month, 10th some more. I feel I just been stab by life and throw into the ocean. At first when the gaffer told us (was with a brother collecting pay too) about his regretful actions as he face some cashflow difficulties. I accepted it but my good brother (down boy) was in combat mode. I think it was fine to hold 1 or 2 weeks but I never expected him to draft so long. Knn .... lucky R pass me another $100 and I hope to get by. After pay off last month plus 1/3 of July h/p bill, only left with $40 from my latest pay. I really can't survive lah, just bite the bullet lor!

Did started posing some threads in Asianbookie forum (sun and today, nick Fatspider) and I hope to gain popularity of my blog thru some indirecting methods, I respect spamming rules lah. Supposed to look for a job mon but was busy doing post up for my predictions on my prediction site. Also blogging this as well, guess I am still huanted by rejection in society.

Not much mood. Leave with some videos for all to smile with.....:)


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