
Trap in a world of soccer, disillusion by soccer betting, come back strong and steady, gave up betting but dive into soccer analysis, to help other people overcome the odds, with my own predictive tools

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Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Farspider Dark Again;

Days so far;

Finally the good luck has ended, I am out of a job again; I was ask to leave yesterday (tues) by Lady D and until now I still dun believe it. Last week I was working an extra hour or so average from monday to thursday; only friday and sat left on the dot to take care of some things and swim of course. The day before I was sacked I worked until 9.30 to finish up on the urgent task. So I really dun have a clue behind the logic over the sack. Reasons Lady D/Boss gave was slow and no concentration. But as long as I get the job done I dun think I deserved this, a telling off or talking to maybe and to a extreme extend a deduction in pay maybe but I still dun warrant a termination.

The previous week only has an Autocad amendment project and a Autocad testing (archi)drawing. However, tiz 2 are the weakest in my experience as totally new to these. However, monday I received my first Microstation task and I was given it at 12 noon by D. After half hour of briefing I went for lunch and came back at 1.40pm. I was then show the folder on the drawings I was supposed to work on. Whah.... 10 folder average of 3 drawings each; all text amendment but around 15 rows or so per drawing; shit, I can't finish this. Even D herself admitted she has doubts about me finishing at 4 , all within 2 hours. Some more must be precise.... I am new to those relay/switch drawings and I have stop Microstation for 2 years, cum on cut me some slack. But still, a task is like a command in the army, yu just excecute it , be it whether yu like it or can finish it on time.

Naturally, I was slow at the start, after I did 1 drawing and double check, omg.... 35 mins gone. D offer some advice and direct me to some trends in the notation which enlighten me. I progress the other drawings in the folder and double check its validity. Sucks 3.20... I dive into the second folder and it was no surprise I was still at the 2nd folder at 4 but last drawing. I then decided since the pattern seems to be almost similar, I can do without the checking and just proceed with caution to compromise but that will mean speed will come down as I have to be more careful. True to the fact my drawings cut down to 25 mins per drawing by 6 and I finish 5 folders. Then D check on me and ask me to reduce my timing to 10 mins per drawing and she ask me to stay to complete it as the client needs it tomorrow.

I am ok with staying that but my mistake is not following her advice in quickening my pace. It takes a little getting used to so if I am fimilar with both software and drawing I think I can cut down a bit more, but that was asking too much at that time. I was maybe only getting used to the software but not the work. At 7.30, the boss ask me how was my progress and I reveal to him I was at folder 7, 1st drawing. He got agitated and insist I did not concentrate. I was getting hot too as I was really doing the best I can to get a breakthrough but decided to keep quiet as I needed the job badly. He projects my timing and say at the rate I was going I will be stuck until 11. I offered to close shop for him if he just show me where are the switches ,but he insists on overtime with me.

At 8 something boss came up to me again and ask if I needed a bite but I decline, at that point of time my pace has improved to 20 mins per drawing and I have finally had a breakthrough. D also sms me and ask me to leave as she feels bad, and I don't have the key to lockup. I told her I am fine and will report to her once everything complete, anyway, boss has the key and he's with me. Well, the first sign of trouble occur when boss came back with my light dinner (char siew pao) and throw it lightly on my table. My heart sank as 1 whole year of bad employment experience gave me a 6th sense that can detect something bad. I brush it aside as I really need to quickly get it done and go home. I also want to eat a proper meal too yu know! Finally I managed to shave the last couple of drawing s down to between 15 to 20 mins and completed my task at 9.30pm. Did ask the boss whether I can help him closed up if he's leaving but he wave me away in a cold shrudder.

Well, all of yu know what happens next and I was asked to leave under the reasons that I was slow and non concentrating. Cum on, it was my first task in Microstation and I still need some adjustment period, yu can't just pass judgement on a 1st task; do they see the gradual progress I made as the day go on. No...., even the boss anticipated I will finished at 11pm, but I finished at 9.30pm show a slight breakthru..... When D press me to say something at our termination talk, I ask if I fight for myself do I get a 2nd chance but the hint was not likely. I wanted to cry out but held back my tears, I perfer to leave with my head held high and not in shame or pity.

I seriously just think that as the boss he perfers younger people than me working for him but D insisted I have the more well rounded experience and drive or hunger. I do noticed greater allowances for other 2 younger interior designers that just came in during the same period but like my comic shop experience, remain to keep the thoughts to myself. Another possibility that I got canned was that maybe the boss wants to do something important at nite and I happen to intrude into the time frame. God knows what important biz info he is afraid that I will tune in to...roll eyes.

Nothing else really happens during the week except I was swimming again and saw the show 'Stayin Alive' (sucks). Dun really want to preview it as was awful. Silent Hill has a way better story and more frightening. Oh yeah, did visit the spa again yesterday as I really need to relax after going thru a roller coaster ride. Bad luck seems to accompany me everywhere suddenly, I lost my atm card when I was bankin in my pay and was really scared stiff, lucky no funds were withdraw and I quickly cancel my card. Also been carrying a toothache for the last 2 days sigh!

Today still no mood to look for a job yet, went to the bank, pay my h/p bills, went to the barber, blog and watch some telly. Did received 2 calls to ask about some new opportunities, first was from my telemarketing pal to ask me if I am interested in becoming a suveyor next week for Singapore Pools and it pays $50 per day, 6 hr work. I say hell yeah as I really needed the money, but nothing is comfirmed at tis point of time, just a inquiry. Second was R asking me my interest in opening a tour agency with him to venture into a new area, but I knew the license is very expensive and the visa application are very limited with only 2 persons so not my cup of tea. Life just slap me in the face again but I am used to it already....what else is new.

Leave with a humourous star wars vid I found on the net; alious off to see Crotia VS England


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