
Trap in a world of soccer, disillusion by soccer betting, come back strong and steady, gave up betting but dive into soccer analysis, to help other people overcome the odds, with my own predictive tools

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Location: Singapore

Sunday, January 21, 2007

Dear worms & maggots;

2 months apart;

Hi there, been a while, i actually wanted to write last month but been so absorbed into a online game call Silkroad, that spend most of my time playing that and working at R's place. This actually just started out as a trial as sometime at the begining of Dec, i dun have any projects and was free for around 1 week. After paying off my rent i guess was down to last $50 so even going for a show seem like overspending....:(

Ah Han (comic boss) gave me an account and i download the software and i am all set, ready to go. Turn out this game really gets yu hook and i stay home practically everyday to play, well i saved money in a way, but i did make some purchase on their mall which adds up $30 per month to improve my gameplay, but yu can just actually just play it raw, it's free, yu time yu style basically.

I also make a lot of new frens online from all over the world, NZ, Bangla,Italy, and most prominently the Viet Nation frens from Califonia, the best guild in Okland yu hear, hollow back at your brother! Of course my own guildmaster Old Fox (Ah Han) is very cool himself, learn alot too. My guildname is call Peace and my nick, who else Fatspider!

Hi there Con Heo/ Ronnie/Apsycho/Aporite/Tisen/259/Little Killer of VN , kisses from Singapore (wave all over). Well for a game that pulls people closer from all walks of life, not bad at all. Back to my life for this last 2 months......

Bad Luck in Dec;

What can i say, the story so far tiz last couple of years, well i seem resign to the fact i am never gonna get my 1 week pay from the telemarketing job; and suddenly a shortage of jobs from R's in Dec, other episodes hit me like warheads raining down in the Iraqi warzone.


Yes yu hear me correct, i was pin down by a undercover cop in a cirgrette smugaling raid. Hands were tie-bar, ask to squart down and my ID and handphone taken from me.

Well it all started when after 4 days or so without work, R ask me pop over to his office to delegate some work while he is away for 3 days. And i was jumped by tiz lunatic cop right in front of my rental apartment. He didn't even read me my rights and took away my phone before i could inform R of coming in late, and demanded my ID. Afterwards i was treated like a dog and hand cuff (tie bar) and forced to squart (like in a beheading procedure).

My mom came back at that point of time and demanded he show some identification. I too rebutted that i deserved a phonecall (not to my lawyer but to my part time boss,R). Things began to get a bit physical as my mom try to yank my ID from him and he push my mom away quite hard, eventually she too went bersek and started hitting him with her handbag. I was basically hand cuff and can't do anything . Fortuneately my landlord and the undercover cop's supervisor arrived in the nick of time and separated both of them. As it turn out, it was a wrong tip off, and we quite happily let them search our apartment.

However, my mom still have to go down to the police station for conseuling for hitting a cop, can yu believe that. They did say sorry afterwards, but just try to bury everything under the carpet. What if i were to lose my part time ? What if my mom is hurt? Who will compensate me!

Fell into Drainhole;

All of yu probably heard about the local heavy floods in Johor, due to the heavy downpour. But take it from a guy who has to run around sometimes to do his errand, it can be hazadous.

What happen was that i was going to the Civil Defence Fire Div (Ubi) to submit some drawings and it starting pouring cats and dogs; I notice the drain in front of my destination was running high with water and i purposedly selected a panel instead of those iron graze to step on for crossing. Boom... the panel gave way (dislodged by the rushing water) and i fell straight in, i used my left hand to break my fall and sprain my wrist. It was thru some good luck my left leg was ok as the drain was thigh deep.... Mind yu I still have to go back to do drawing in my injured condition and i took a wrong bus to go home for a shower first before heading back to work. Sigh

Better Luck In Jan;

Invited by Newpaper

Well, tiz is a very big surprise for me as it really come out of the blue; I do submit my views to Ernest Luis of the local Newpaper concerning soccer matters, just for fun. And surprise surprise he do keep track of our contacts.

His assistant Heng gave me a call and invited me to pop in to the newpaper workroom for a panel discussion on local footi...I was thrill. There were 12 of us all guys, sad...but people from different background. 6 were schooling, 1 was a boss (computer software distribution), a lawyer, a marketing exec, 2 were working in a engg firm, and me the oldest, a part time draughtsman. The lady photograher who took our shots individual and group look like something out of a Lara Croft game, leather fur coat accompany, quite good looking too, but age on the up side. (Well, the lawyer did ask to be obmitted due to his work nature). However, we do have a blast taking dig at some panelist and taking sides with others, but all in good fun.

I dun know if our article will get printed or not, but if they do, we will bw call down for a second panel discussion on Serie A...It is free of course but feels great to appear in the papers (maybe). I wanted to shake Mindy (reporter of nite life) hand and she's hot stuff, and the weezer Edwin Yeo (pub) plus Ernest of course and the respectable Tohari but all were not in so.....well hope :)

Job agency and part time

Admitted towards the last week of Dec jobs at R's place began to slow down and I have another one of those 1 week break, but begining of Jan promises to be good as I got gigs (3/4 days in a week), during tiz free time I selectively sent in 4 job that i like (all drawing) but as expected no reply, did went for a interview at a job agency with Rick's help and they do hook me up with 2 application. 1 have got no reply and the other return with certain questions which i honestly reply that last time I dun do BOM (Bill Of Materials) and Time Study, purely Product Improvement. Sigh, that was like a couple of days back so keeping my fingers and legs cross haha.. I will let the job agency do the searching for now as i still have R's drawings to clear before Chinese New Year.

The Loser Clan

I always like to narrate people live stories around me and I selected 3 fellow frens as a voice for the underdog; similar to me

Wanker AK (Copywriter)

Remember him, yeah we are in speaking terms again after the heated exchages but things just dun seem as close before, but we still gather around to watch soccer at the local coffee shop. He had a terrible heart attack in early Dec and was in medication for 2 weeks. When i met him again he was like in a daze but still keep up his wicked sense of humour. Naturally, he lost his part time editor job and was searching the papers again, well sincerly all the best to our Dragon

Ricky (Logistic Man)

The last time i mention about him he quited partly due to me. (I feel bad). He ask his boss for a drawing job for me and got some bad remarks, and just let his temper overpower him. He is still looking around and there were a couple of close deals but just lost it to others in the last hurdle. Well, he did borrow from his insurance to overcome tiz period of hunting but it's running dry after 2 months, I know he has try hardest among this clan but society is just too narrow minded to people with a slight physical impair... (his left arm and hand have motion difficiulties). Fuk tiz mud fuk greed taking, profit generating, underprilvilaged companies, for goodness sake, tap into his knowledge, look beyond appearance. Here's 1 for yu Rick!

Sky (Convict Again)

What can I say, he went straight back in the slammer for failure to turn up for bankruptcy summon, previously convicted for peeping and battery to a women. I sincerly wish he can learn from all tiz (2nd time) and turn out a better person. He is not getting any younger yu know. Ah Han i think had his wish grant for some peace and quiet (last 2 months) but i heard he's coming out just before Feb. His last church group all gave up on him as he went around asking for money and not standing on his own 2 feet. Well, he join another church, and lets just home he appreciates proper help tiz time. He does have a sickening habit of bending down to peep at Ah Han's girl customer legs and it does get a bit annoying, yet Ah Han can't do anything about it as he is running a biz.... so, anyway both Ah Han and me name our squirrel Sky (SilkRoad) in honour of his existence. Good Luck to him!

Movies I See

Lately very tight budget so only mansged to see 2 shows, sucks .....


I had high expectation for tiz anticipating a great trilogy like Harry Porter, but I think it was overrated, only the special effects and the innocent of the main lead and of course Jeremy Iron save the show. Nah i think can skip.

Death Note 2

Anyone who reads tiz jap manga will know they twisted the storyline. However it was tastefully done and the plots were well weaver. Kudoas to the director. I particular like the oddball detectice L, and who else Misa Misa and the lady Shiminagi (Death God). I dun usually watch Japanese show but tiz is the best stuff ever to come out of the Rising Sun. Dun miss it, especially if yu are a Death Note fan, it is as mind stimulating as the manga.

Some videos for yu from the web;

Vato by Snopp Dogg

Jay Chou Pepsi commercial Long Quan

Jay Chou Fearless

MLK day Charlie Brown


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