
Trap in a world of soccer, disillusion by soccer betting, come back strong and steady, gave up betting but dive into soccer analysis, to help other people overcome the odds, with my own predictive tools

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Location: Singapore

Monday, February 26, 2007

Days so far;

As i write tis my beloved Chelsea has just won't the English League Cup, kudos to the team i supported for more than 10 years, yu rock.... Dorgba is the best striker any team can have!

Well, the Chinese New Year went by with me avoiding the hustle and bustle of the celebrations, in exchange for some online gaming, MYTUBE, and more soccer analysis chart update.

It has been a week after the new year, and still no part time job call up yet. Even though it is a bit anticipated (due to the CNY), but still it is hard felt with a tinge of fustration. For all that would be new to my blog, I am paid on project basics, so no work means no money. But the freedom is there of course.... but i do hope there is more homogenous balance between poverty and freedom , like rich and work-bane, but at the moment me is taking each step as it comes, just a improvement away from poverty is relief itself....:)

I am running low on cash and I am resisting the temptation to go out so as not to spent more money. (I acually only out went 3 times after the CNY).

1st was to watch a horror of all horror show call Epic Movie, this is utterly the worst to have come out of the directors from Scary Movies, i couldn't even begin to describe my sorrow, and tis show is supposed to be funny , give me Borat anytime. If yu must miss a movie make sure it is tis one, yu won't regret it. I am already a very lenient critic....

2nd was a trick from a fren (Rey) to lure me out of the house to meet up, he trick me into believing thats a job opportunity for me. Yeh rite, we end up visit another fren (Heng), who was my old collegue and just open a new shop in the local Chinatown area selling mp3/mp4 players. So, Rey so call break was to ask Heng to give me a job, but i already know he employs young female ladies only. Anyway, even with that factor throw in, biz is still quite bad due to the delay in construction as well , poor traffic after CNY, so i managed to witness my dear fren Heng been pursuit by debtors at the end of the visit. Sigh, a bit difficilt to run a retail outlet nowadays. So many unforeseen obstacles that always interverned when your chips are down. However, Rey did make up by treating me to dinner (he knows how jobless i am) and that puts a smile on my week. I must remember to return tiz favour when my fianical situation permits me to do so.....

3rd was just a trip to my SRO guildmaster Old Fox (Ah Han) shop to buy a game card for my pet squirrel and catch up with some HK comics for the new week after CNY

Thus, i am hoping the New Year (zodiac pig year) will bring about better job prospects for a poor soul suffering in ernest as i bid fareware to a bad (zodiac dog year). Lost jobs, areested by police, funds been stuck in US Fed investigaton by SEC division. This is enough to make a sane person turn lunatic.... fuk me, fuk me or into a babbling retard....

Call job agencies damn it call.... sigh.... leave yu with some animei and comedies

FMA episode 37, a off the track side story which is most probably the most funny in the FMA comic series,also feature my second fav char Roy Mustang, The Flame Alchemist, Hawkeye (girl with dog)is so cool and sexy sigh also Winrey Rockbelle too

FMA sidetrack chiba party (closing celebration party)

Stand up comedy by the famous Rowan Akinson, tis is very funny....

Another part of Rowan.........

Borat Dating, even more funny

This MTV I actually wanted to show for my valentine blog, it always brings tears to my eyes as the story in it is very silmilar to 1 of my love, only no happy ending for me ......sob (for frens of Viet Nation/Peace)

Taiwan Song,by big G for Apsycho my bro yu feel ? (Actually B G look a bit like me)

For frens of the comic shop (Rick/Old Fox), Machi DiDi rocks

Now give me back my cheap spider cologne and get out! Cheap Spider fading out....

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Dear worms & maggots;

It is that time again for LOVE, the bows of the cupids have infused their arrowhead with a poison so potent, the gods themselves would have been affected as well if shot.

So much less chance the human kind can really resist its fatal penetration. Unless yu are me of course, heart so frozen I form a snow wall around my body aura, well, i am not your average kind of guy, I supposed. Anyway back to my life;

Last 1 month

In short it was pretty mundane, part time work, playing SRO, update charts, looking at comics and watching YourTube. Also, the agency had sent in 2 ft job applications for me and i think it can be officially be dead after 1 month of waiting. Also attended a pt-nite job interview but another dead end, well, welcome to my life.

Lately too the part time jobs have drop as well, but as i write tiz i suddenly received a phonecall by my part time boss to go down to work in 2 hours time, talk about rite timing.....

Anyway today topic is about LOVE and i decide to do a log in about love and online gaming....I have selected 2 stories from my frens around my circle and post them here. Very interesting stories as well, so here goes;

Story 1:

X (guy) and Y(girl) have been happily married for more than a year. The guy I know is a avaid fan of World of Warcraft and have lev 70 mages (a couple of them) under his belt. Well Y did know about the boyfren or hubby online gaming addictions but didn't think too much about it.

So after marriage, naturally there was a tinge of complain, usually through me. So i suggested to Y, go get a set of WoW beta, join in and share with her husband, understand his pain and happiness. And who knows, maybe she will put his hubby to shame and he will put more attention to her. Naturally X was over the hill as he feel less complain from the missy, will mean more gaming time, he was thanking me for directing tiz scheme of a plot. But, actually, my suggestions was just meant to pull both of them closer.

So Y started playing and X was ever ready to help , he being a high level player. Over the months, she climb the ranks reach quite a high level, whereas X was waiting for the next expansion the Burning Crusade. So there comes a time where she will come home, buy food from tha mall, and start playing the game herself. Mine yu she's already a lev 50, and we all know how hard it is to reach there, she dun really need X protection any more. She is well equipped to be a superhero in the war of gaming.

Suddenly, i hear her hubby starting to complain about her. He say she dun pay too much attention to him lately. Well it was nice to teach her the game at first, but now as she grow into it, well, she became more absorbed and also more agressive.

Like just the other day he ask :" Do yu think yu will fall for my online gaming character?"

Reply:" No way, he leaves me dead when he jolly well know my line is laggy, and run off ahead without me, in fact, if i am higher level than he his i will turn to hardcore, and chop his head off and take all his possessions."

A queer silence follow after that......

Well i told him, buy 2 set of WoW Burning Crisade, and start playing the game together as equals and not 1 leading the other, that should be fun and less tension. Well he did and so far no complains yet for the last 1.5 months,... hope it will bring happiness and Happy Valentines wishes from a good fren, oh and may it last forever!

Story 2:

The next tale is more of a fairytale bit of touch to it, well C is a nice fren i met on an online game. And she was a mid level player, whereas i was a few notches below her. Naturally, i always turn to her help when I couldn't figure out something, or get stuck.

Well, i found out later thru our conversations her boyfren is like inside the game as well, and halfway around the globe. They meet each other in the game very often and catch up.

So i naturally ask: "So yu two have been playing tiz game before he left for his World Tour?"

Her answer:"No i haven't met him in person, we just met in the game"

I was like doing a pancake flip in a hot oven, that is logically not conprehensive, and mind yu she is a very intelligent women, she is training to be a doctor. She also looks cute in her blog pics too (I dun think she mind me saying that, but dun want to be spear to death by her boyfren). So the only logical conclusion is that she is poison. Yes by a half feverish cupid that has taken on too many quests. Thus the route she takes on for her pursue of her soulmates is like well.... Hell! So, below is their online story and a tribute to them..

1st chap , How they met (i kinda make up the conversation but somethin like that)

Like any other love story our heroine C was lured by the power of the leading man P while doing 1 of her lower level quest. She step into his circle of protection (a zone where lower end mobs can't touch us). Immedimately a gentle and smoothing voice comfort her from within the circle,

P:" Hi there, whats your level? Notice yu have a hard time out there, come into the circle, can protect yu from all the mobs outside"

C:" 16, and whats yours?

P:"40 (i am just making it up, i seriously dun know his level was then), i am waiting for someone...."

C:"reinforement ? Looks like yu dun need any!"

P:" No, waiting for a lady"

C:" Lucky girl"

P:" Not just any lady but Tiger Lady"

(Just for the sake of people not playing tiz game, Tiger Lady is a monster which is like a lottery in tiz game, quite powerful but once yu are above lev 30, yu can hunt her down, many prizes awaits the victor)

So that nite finally see the P helping C to complete her quest, and our heroine was smitten by the character.

2nd Chapter, Tricks guys must learn while in pursuit of a online game female (also be prepared to relinguish some of your good weapons)

C thought she was already quite smart and yet she couldn't forsee what's gonna happen to her next. She was new in town in a place call DongWah. And was taken in by its ancient ruins.

(Tiz place we will all go when we hit lev 20-21, depend on your speed)

Suddenly tis character appear and scam her of her weapon. (I guess if she was not so busy adjusting to the new place she wouldn't be scam). Anyway, that guy took off with her weapon and log off, leaving her to cry and cursed and wanting to give up the game for good.

Suddenly, a miracle happen and P appears, comforting and console her in a manner like a kind soul feeding a small kitten with warm cow milk. She still feel bad but his gentle coaxing melt her heart. But wait more to come, P told her since she uplevel to DongWah, he gonna give her a surprise present. And so when she open up her inventory she see her own weapon plus another high end weapon that she needs for the next phase of her game. She was angry and happy at the same time.

So P was both the cowboy and the indian. A good trick to learn for all male gamers out there...

Chap 3, Follow up and sealing the deal, skip tiz parts guys too hard

Afterwards it was reinforce the relationship with actions. Bringing her to hunt (quest), going to trade, tis game is call silkroad yu know and trading is very important to earn revenue for your character. And also supplying her with all the neccessary equipments for her character growth.

But tiz alone is not enough, constant pestering at first thru e-mail, chat room (in the game), then a slow and gradual upgrade to phone and webcam. At tiz point of time I would like to highlight a point here. Never attempt this feat unless yu are half as confident in your looks in comparison to your next door neighbour (benchmark). Chances are for a average joe like yu or me (told yu it was difficult), yu could be slap with a lawsuit from oversea.

Chap4, Confession, Most of us wont reach tis stage guys

Yes, both the star cross lovebirds finally admiting their love and admiration for 1 another; this too will be opposed by parents/siblings/frens from both side of the globe. But just as many frens opposed, an equal will stand up and support as well. Newton first law or Relativity, all action has a equal or opposite reaction. So, I am casting my vote on the support side, I wanna believe in a fairytale just 1 last time.

In fact, just last week, she proposed to him in the local server chat where everyone can see. Its a pity I miss it, I was too biz trying to adust to a new quest and was been slaughter that whole nite. But on the next day, another gamer fren did have a small chat with me about her

Addu: " Was it Con yesterday? On global yu catch it?"

Me: "I am afraid so. But i didn't catch it, too depress with life and quest. "

Addu:"She high on something?"

Me:"No, worse. She is smitten by a very powerful poison, shot by an bowsman!"

So ends my both story and i hope it will be of nice reading. Whenever Valentine comes along , i usually hide myself in a corner or go see a show. So when to see Ghost Rider, a great show. The main character Johnny Blaze (Nick Cage) is a lot like my own character so i particularly enjoy the movie. A radical that does his own way while all others tell him not to, a little rebel. I too hope the devil will take my soul too, in exchange for a better life from this f**k up piece of s**t lifestyle. If he could throw in a couple of females on Valentines too that will be a bonus.

Apsycho your naruto link is here; Naruto

The following is a dedication of love songs are for all the lovebirds in my blog, also for yu too Apsycho, some common interest so follow only regrets, no rap or hip/hop tiz entry, sigh.......once a year.

For X and Y, Eyes on Me, Final Fantasy 8

For C and P, Dearest by Ayumi Hamasaki

For C viewing pleasure, Origin of Love

For Apsycho, our common interest, maybe old fox and Peace as well, hack all mankind

For Peace/Apsycho, Korean, Kim Hee Soon sing duet with Jackie Chan, Sen Hua

For myself, Twins, Chinese Cupid in Training, anyone one of them will do for me, ;)

The Love Spider wishes all Happy Valentine Day

Sunday, January 21, 2007

Dear worms & maggots;

2 months apart;

Hi there, been a while, i actually wanted to write last month but been so absorbed into a online game call Silkroad, that spend most of my time playing that and working at R's place. This actually just started out as a trial as sometime at the begining of Dec, i dun have any projects and was free for around 1 week. After paying off my rent i guess was down to last $50 so even going for a show seem like overspending....:(

Ah Han (comic boss) gave me an account and i download the software and i am all set, ready to go. Turn out this game really gets yu hook and i stay home practically everyday to play, well i saved money in a way, but i did make some purchase on their mall which adds up $30 per month to improve my gameplay, but yu can just actually just play it raw, it's free, yu time yu style basically.

I also make a lot of new frens online from all over the world, NZ, Bangla,Italy, and most prominently the Viet Nation frens from Califonia, the best guild in Okland yu hear, hollow back at your brother! Of course my own guildmaster Old Fox (Ah Han) is very cool himself, learn alot too. My guildname is call Peace and my nick, who else Fatspider!

Hi there Con Heo/ Ronnie/Apsycho/Aporite/Tisen/259/Little Killer of VN , kisses from Singapore (wave all over). Well for a game that pulls people closer from all walks of life, not bad at all. Back to my life for this last 2 months......

Bad Luck in Dec;

What can i say, the story so far tiz last couple of years, well i seem resign to the fact i am never gonna get my 1 week pay from the telemarketing job; and suddenly a shortage of jobs from R's in Dec, other episodes hit me like warheads raining down in the Iraqi warzone.


Yes yu hear me correct, i was pin down by a undercover cop in a cirgrette smugaling raid. Hands were tie-bar, ask to squart down and my ID and handphone taken from me.

Well it all started when after 4 days or so without work, R ask me pop over to his office to delegate some work while he is away for 3 days. And i was jumped by tiz lunatic cop right in front of my rental apartment. He didn't even read me my rights and took away my phone before i could inform R of coming in late, and demanded my ID. Afterwards i was treated like a dog and hand cuff (tie bar) and forced to squart (like in a beheading procedure).

My mom came back at that point of time and demanded he show some identification. I too rebutted that i deserved a phonecall (not to my lawyer but to my part time boss,R). Things began to get a bit physical as my mom try to yank my ID from him and he push my mom away quite hard, eventually she too went bersek and started hitting him with her handbag. I was basically hand cuff and can't do anything . Fortuneately my landlord and the undercover cop's supervisor arrived in the nick of time and separated both of them. As it turn out, it was a wrong tip off, and we quite happily let them search our apartment.

However, my mom still have to go down to the police station for conseuling for hitting a cop, can yu believe that. They did say sorry afterwards, but just try to bury everything under the carpet. What if i were to lose my part time ? What if my mom is hurt? Who will compensate me!

Fell into Drainhole;

All of yu probably heard about the local heavy floods in Johor, due to the heavy downpour. But take it from a guy who has to run around sometimes to do his errand, it can be hazadous.

What happen was that i was going to the Civil Defence Fire Div (Ubi) to submit some drawings and it starting pouring cats and dogs; I notice the drain in front of my destination was running high with water and i purposedly selected a panel instead of those iron graze to step on for crossing. Boom... the panel gave way (dislodged by the rushing water) and i fell straight in, i used my left hand to break my fall and sprain my wrist. It was thru some good luck my left leg was ok as the drain was thigh deep.... Mind yu I still have to go back to do drawing in my injured condition and i took a wrong bus to go home for a shower first before heading back to work. Sigh

Better Luck In Jan;

Invited by Newpaper

Well, tiz is a very big surprise for me as it really come out of the blue; I do submit my views to Ernest Luis of the local Newpaper concerning soccer matters, just for fun. And surprise surprise he do keep track of our contacts.

His assistant Heng gave me a call and invited me to pop in to the newpaper workroom for a panel discussion on local footi...I was thrill. There were 12 of us all guys, sad...but people from different background. 6 were schooling, 1 was a boss (computer software distribution), a lawyer, a marketing exec, 2 were working in a engg firm, and me the oldest, a part time draughtsman. The lady photograher who took our shots individual and group look like something out of a Lara Croft game, leather fur coat accompany, quite good looking too, but age on the up side. (Well, the lawyer did ask to be obmitted due to his work nature). However, we do have a blast taking dig at some panelist and taking sides with others, but all in good fun.

I dun know if our article will get printed or not, but if they do, we will bw call down for a second panel discussion on Serie A...It is free of course but feels great to appear in the papers (maybe). I wanted to shake Mindy (reporter of nite life) hand and she's hot stuff, and the weezer Edwin Yeo (pub) plus Ernest of course and the respectable Tohari but all were not in so.....well hope :)

Job agency and part time

Admitted towards the last week of Dec jobs at R's place began to slow down and I have another one of those 1 week break, but begining of Jan promises to be good as I got gigs (3/4 days in a week), during tiz free time I selectively sent in 4 job that i like (all drawing) but as expected no reply, did went for a interview at a job agency with Rick's help and they do hook me up with 2 application. 1 have got no reply and the other return with certain questions which i honestly reply that last time I dun do BOM (Bill Of Materials) and Time Study, purely Product Improvement. Sigh, that was like a couple of days back so keeping my fingers and legs cross haha.. I will let the job agency do the searching for now as i still have R's drawings to clear before Chinese New Year.

The Loser Clan

I always like to narrate people live stories around me and I selected 3 fellow frens as a voice for the underdog; similar to me

Wanker AK (Copywriter)

Remember him, yeah we are in speaking terms again after the heated exchages but things just dun seem as close before, but we still gather around to watch soccer at the local coffee shop. He had a terrible heart attack in early Dec and was in medication for 2 weeks. When i met him again he was like in a daze but still keep up his wicked sense of humour. Naturally, he lost his part time editor job and was searching the papers again, well sincerly all the best to our Dragon

Ricky (Logistic Man)

The last time i mention about him he quited partly due to me. (I feel bad). He ask his boss for a drawing job for me and got some bad remarks, and just let his temper overpower him. He is still looking around and there were a couple of close deals but just lost it to others in the last hurdle. Well, he did borrow from his insurance to overcome tiz period of hunting but it's running dry after 2 months, I know he has try hardest among this clan but society is just too narrow minded to people with a slight physical impair... (his left arm and hand have motion difficiulties). Fuk tiz mud fuk greed taking, profit generating, underprilvilaged companies, for goodness sake, tap into his knowledge, look beyond appearance. Here's 1 for yu Rick!

Sky (Convict Again)

What can I say, he went straight back in the slammer for failure to turn up for bankruptcy summon, previously convicted for peeping and battery to a women. I sincerly wish he can learn from all tiz (2nd time) and turn out a better person. He is not getting any younger yu know. Ah Han i think had his wish grant for some peace and quiet (last 2 months) but i heard he's coming out just before Feb. His last church group all gave up on him as he went around asking for money and not standing on his own 2 feet. Well, he join another church, and lets just home he appreciates proper help tiz time. He does have a sickening habit of bending down to peep at Ah Han's girl customer legs and it does get a bit annoying, yet Ah Han can't do anything about it as he is running a biz.... so, anyway both Ah Han and me name our squirrel Sky (SilkRoad) in honour of his existence. Good Luck to him!

Movies I See

Lately very tight budget so only mansged to see 2 shows, sucks .....


I had high expectation for tiz anticipating a great trilogy like Harry Porter, but I think it was overrated, only the special effects and the innocent of the main lead and of course Jeremy Iron save the show. Nah i think can skip.

Death Note 2

Anyone who reads tiz jap manga will know they twisted the storyline. However it was tastefully done and the plots were well weaver. Kudoas to the director. I particular like the oddball detectice L, and who else Misa Misa and the lady Shiminagi (Death God). I dun usually watch Japanese show but tiz is the best stuff ever to come out of the Rising Sun. Dun miss it, especially if yu are a Death Note fan, it is as mind stimulating as the manga.

Some videos for yu from the web;

Vato by Snopp Dogg

Jay Chou Pepsi commercial Long Quan

Jay Chou Fearless

MLK day Charlie Brown

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Humiliated FatSpider

Days So Far;

It has been a uneventful week, working for minimum wage, updating my soccer charts and been look down upon by my friends. Yap, a fallen angel been mistaken for a demon from hell. The foul stench of my lower social status makes a decompose rat smell better like Channel No 5.

First was my present boss R, of course he has the right to humiliate me workwise. But, I felt even when we are having a general discussion concerning things unraleted to work. He makes me feel so useless like making a comment that my memory is poor, as I mistook him for not taking duck meat/ or quoting wrongly that he ignore another fellow as they have a misunderstanding. There are other comments like how I like to complicate matters by giving suggestions on his month end trip. While all I intended was to give my best opinion to help save on his transport and recommend the best place to eat. Even his other frens that ocassionally visit his shop kinda influence and do make subtle comments here and there. Maybe it was just me been paranoid over a period of not working full time, but I dun have to be Professor X to read the mind of other people! A drop in the standing ladder as perceived by society.

Second was from a good fren Wanker (copywriter). I had a major fallout with him yesterday over a shit piece of joke from my sms. It goes something like tiz.....

'Yu wanna blow into my jimmy head. Monkie'

He perceived that I was asking for a blow job and blew his top. Now before I go further let me make it clear I am straight. I have the many scars from my bitches on my back to proof it. The reason for this sms was because his last 2 sms was about him denouncing his sentient attachments and becoming a monk (jokingly). So I was kidding by asking him to blow on my bald head. It was a case of bad joke wrong timing. When a person is in anger he will pour out his true feelings. He discriminated me by saying what the f**k was I doing with my life, that stab me deeply remembering I am still dealing with emotional recovery. Even though he insisted that he dun judged me but the damage is done. The fact that he shot straight off the top without even going thru a normal thinking cycle indicates a inclination of my lower social status. If I was at a younger age I would have shot back fast, then talk to the cropse, cuz way back I was one that never like backtalk. But I did the right thing, I took the bullets as it was my powderkeg that started it all. I kinda forgive him as he also going thru some hard times.

Wanker's luck was turning better as he has just found a part time copywriter job but it only last till end Dec. When he broke the news to me I was actually quite thrill for him. Well, at least 1 of my unemployment bunch of jokers made it. But the worries of what comes after that and mounting debt really takes its toll in him. I saw a mood swing from been suicidal to aggression. I personally went thru the same thing myself when I was axed but it took a longer time. But multiple rejections from our gracious society kinda mould me to a wimp. He beat the crap out of a young punk that spat at him last saturday. If not for 2 petroling policeman that happen to intervene, I fear the young punk might go thru a seizure and be bedladden for the rest of his life. On a earlier episode last week, he re-enacted 'Tyson vs late Ali (old and Parkinson Disease)'. He challenaged the old internet keeper where we sometimes watch our ESPN to a boxing match outside when the geezer hinted my fren was always complaining. So, our buddy has become a avenger with a death wish and that makes him a walking time bomb waiting to explode. Maybe, a good let off steam. Bless his 'DragonHeart' soul !

On a happy note, my loose teeth is at least out. I did the impossible by reaching back and pulling it out when my tongue felt it oscillating to a new angle. I was actually trying to save some money and also it has become too uncomfortable. I dun know where I gather the courage but it must be inspired by Wanker. To my surprise and amazement, the pain only lasted a couple of sec and there was only a whisker of blood.

Another happy point to note was my Sequence Chart in my prediction blog (see links at my sidebar) seems to be performing. It registed +ve swing for most of the catagories. I am pround to say that I did this based on my own maths that I contempleted for 1 or 2 months. If at the end of the season it still persists, I hope to promote it for next season in forums. The other 2 charts was extracted from a consultant which I paid for his E-book but I added the satistical portion. His basic for the charts are in it but what is lacking is the theory and case study for reference. I have summarised that in my soccer analogy blog all the observations for 1 year. I personally feel people should shared their knowledge and learn from each other and try not to let greed come in the way. But I do understand the sweat it takes to come out with a chart too !

Well sad to say I am broke again and down to my last $7, Sinapore just lost to Iraq 2-0 and I eat ball from Spool. Total for the month my lost are up to $98 and 4D ibet seem very low on hits too. Yu might ask how & why I dun used my charts but Spool kept a fixed handicap of 1.5 and my charts are based on actual broking house handicap. So I am restricted to buying total goal and the occasional ht-ft. I might try to integrate my findings to my Spool bets so it can help me at least ease my financial worries. I also have a software to predict 4D and it is quite accurate provided you system bet the forecast numbers. This month I have a set of 10 numbers forecasted for ABCD and the last 6 all got hit, but I selected 3 of the first 4 to buy, juz my kind of luck....F**K it! Some videos for you to enjoy.....

Real UFO sighting at Twin Towers 2 months before 911 (conicidance)

Wired Al White and Nerdy

Porn Wars

New PS3 trailer for DOA extreme

Commercial for PS3 vs Wii (new competition, blue ray)

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Venom Fatspider;

Days so far;

Been a week already since my last imput and nothing much really happening .....

Work wise it is still the same but it is getting a bit fustrating. My part time job is pay by per drawing and the alterations are a killer (free of charge). I really need to get some extra cash somewhere else. I am really into the deep end after paying $160 of handphone and internet bill.

The f**king loose front tooth is loosen further and now really resemble a loose pussy from a crack whore. Somebody told me if I let it deterioate, it might came off in my sleep and choke me. Hell, with my luck, it might kill me even. I make a point to foregone all luxuries and have this little devil exocists first, as long as some money come my way. Shit, no movies on my rest days for the next couple of weeks. Also, imagine Venom with no teeth, utter shame and shatter dignity. First sign of mid life crisis.

I am slowly sliding out from the deep depression but I am still not emotionally functional. Gonna pick myself up and start hurting for a full time or maybe another part time job to supplement. I gonna break free from these chains or it will pull me down to the depth of destruction.

Also, my Ah Han (comic shop owner) is pestering me to join his guild for a free game call SilkRoad online. It seems fun enough but I do have problems registering but I am downloading the game first, will feedback more about it once I start playing and hope will bring poor people like yu and me more joy in tiz cool and blizzard society.

Leave you worms and maggots with something funny I found on the web and a song;

Charlie Brown Halloween

Charlie Brown Ramadan (for laugh only, I love Muslim bros personally)

Smack That by Akon and my fav shit Eminen

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Fallen Fatspider;

Days so far;

Depress and disgusted with life, a web of solid foundation build on strngth and resolution just came fallen down in utter dissolution. There's how my life was so far tiz last couple of weeks.

To start off, I am working part time at R's place, the work seem more difficult than before so that makes it more harder to earn a decent salary. I am like just demoralizes over the sacking of my 1 week full time drawing job. I was practically dragging my paces thru R's job until he got fed up and gave me a hard tick off, I then realizes I have to speed up and try to earn more as I still got bills to pay and daily meals to substain. A lot of my frens tell me move on and dun think lah but it still hurts today. I rather all that never happen and I just go about finding a part time and stuff, the fire in the fighting spirit really got zap away to oblivion. It was hard to recover I truly admit.

I was already in a deep state of depression when I start work again. I also found out the hard way about not being paid for my tele-marketing job. (The company really just pack up and go). Even though I am own only $170, I really need all the help I can get, F**k It....I also seem to have a bad constipation problem lately and that led to some blood in my stool. I remember Heng (mp3 biz) also have the same problem before, he told me if I let it alone eventually yu will need to piles and more complications. This really scare me and I immediately take a lot of banana and orange juice, lucky for me no more problems surfaced any more. So I was really going thru money/health/work worries and even my soccer chart updates suffer. I have to play catch up for most of the nites and resulting in me being tired for most of the time. Coupled with a very loose front teeth that pains when it rocks in it's pocket but no money to extract (also consider my image aspect in finding work). Naturally it affected the job and R was right in letting me have it. But maybe I should try explaining it to him..... but really I need the job for the moment!

There also seem to be a lot of bad news among my present information circle. I personally feel all the crap in the newspaper about economy is up and up and unemployment down... Bullshit! Look at all the sucidal news lately? People selling their kidney/babies over the net....People jumping onto MRT tracks (at least its worth it for him, all that donations , bless his soul). People getting robbed at gunpoint (Malaysia) and fraud cover up etc. It makes yu want to end your life too, but I'am too weak to even cut myself in the mirror. So if I have a gun, I may just pull the trigger, yeah and hopefully god with take me by its place. RIP~

My frens also had it pretty tough too. I can name at least 3 who shared the same sufferings that I concurred. The rejection by a cold society that tunes in to profit, F**K the resources. It was all in the same period that's why make the situation more prominent.

First was a guy (call him Ri) I met at Ah Han's comic shop, he had a medical condition due to a stroke attack (I can't be sure really) . But he recovered enough to walk but lets just say with a swagger but he's definately fit for work. However he has been taken advantage of and dispiced by his boss at work until he couldn't take it anymore. I guess he's a bit of a hothead and I really do admired his guts for sticking up for himself. I would have just shallowed everything as with R, but my financial do pale in comparison to the lowest lifeform. Naturally, he went for a few interviews and all ask him to wait for news ( we all heard that one before) but the croaching tiger still have some fiesty in him and that demands respect!

Second was Wanker (cover up name). He pull his weights in the copyrighting industry and earns the most among the losers I know (haha just a joke). However, age is catching up with him and lately his company embark on a decision not to further his contract. Naturally the poor man was devastated and just laden himself with the high life to paralyse his soul. He some how manage to squarder all his money and seem resign to jump on any job in the near future as he has a lot of debt to clear. However, I feel he need to find that burning flame first that seems lost in the darkness. Another worrying sign I find was a strong tendacy for self destruction. It is already bad not to look at yourself everyday in the mirror. I dun want to feel a sudden urge to slit my own throat each time I peek but to look at your buddies turn into a spiltting image of my doopledangle really dampens my spirit. This Hidden Dragon really seems to hide from reality for the moment. But, if he find his flame he will fly and spit fire... Fight man fight! He will always remain a good fren as I remember he slip me $20 to eat when R has no job for me.

Last was another character I met at Ah Han shop call him Sky. He models himself over some gangster flick show that has a lot of brothers under him. In truth, he's all alone in his little world and live on all the helpings Ah Han, and some of the customer would give him. He's been to jail before for minor stuff like sell VCD and peeping and I guess, the cold society just sort of custrate off (like skin of a penis), lesser human being like him. There's something seriously wrong with the Yellow Ribbon Project. It is not reaching out to everyone it seems. He did work at my former internet cafe for 1.5 weeks and naturally my fat boss take it as a opportunity to take advantage to the fullest. 12 hours for $20 but he get to eat and stay there, so our fren did work but naturally throw tandrums at every possible way. Finally, my former boss took in a replacement that's willing to do the shift (poor soul) and sack Sky. So, after that he's been like working on and off on cleaner odd jobs and finally some Christian societies help him pay for his first month of rent in a run down shack. But beggers can't complain. I can only offer some peanuts and puff for him but that's as much as I can do (shittin myself dirty too). I did do a tailsman for him (yeah, dun ask me why I know) and it was supposed to give him good dreams but it ends up scaring him as he has a encounter with a entity. He ask me for help again but my spiritual level is really not there yet. I suggest he go back to the fat boss (medium) to ask for forgiveness and help but he's pride gets in the way. However, he do get a bit agressive trying to bend people to heed his needs and I just hope he change on that aspect. We all chip in to help but we dun own him. He blames the whole world for his plight and demands all for assistance but sometimes he has to help himself first. I would put him as The Hero, it takes special skills to survive a quest that long, be it begging or lacking in social grace.

On a good note my mp3 fren Ah Heng seems to pick up his biz, he's flying to ShangHai to find more source for his products. He seems to be enjoying the limelight as he opens another shop in Jurong Point. There's gonna be another shop opening in 1-2 months in Pearl Centre and I just hope he has some plans for me. Lately did try to phone him for help but all my calls end up zipped, it seems if a person is flyin they dun see too clearly what's crawling at ground level.

On a lighter note, did watch the movie 'Death Note' and it was awesome (damn good). I dun really know the movie stars but I follow the menga. I thought the menga was a bit draggin but the show was a different thing. It was in truth very mind stimulating (the menga was like that too but just draggi) and the acting and special effect top notch. The story has been altered slightly but it was tastefully done. I especially like the oddball detective L . Light and MisaMisa was mediocare but they are still the main characters. A special mention has to go out to the FBI lady agent (Reye, i think), the actress put in a outstanding performance in support. Her storyline was altered to give her more meat and she really nails it. Can't wait for the sequeal in Jan 07. Death God Ryuk give yu his belated halloween greetings.......
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting In death we find peace, In life we all grieve......

Ok getting light and have to get some sleep as got to work tomorrow, I hope Chelsea ko Aston Villa tonite. Lampard just scores and I am hoping for 2 to 3 goal total for my appertizer bet. See yu all in the future and I promised to blog more often ..... just let me slide out tiz period first.

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Fatspider spilt personality

Days so far;

Things have reached a stalemate for the last week or so. There is basically nothing going for me but a bunch of inquiries that don't come full circle. Can say bad luck but at least there are still interest generated here or there for a draughting job. The other part time job (SPool) my fren help me to ask came to a dead end.The draughting jobs don't look too successful at face value, both ask if I can use Autocad? There is a limitation with only 1 week under my belt

First was recommended by a fren J to his fren Dan who runs a electrical company, if I was selected I will be contracted for 4 months and another 8 months after if they sealed the deal. Chances are very good and they are looking to tie up the project within the next month or so. I was naturally very happy and rush down to his company at the late hours of the evening for a interview. After the filling up of forms was ask to generate a Autocad drawing (in 2005 somemore), oh no not again. Naturally I was a bit slow and the supervisor comfirms it. Next was waiting for news that never came, so a bit fustrated.

Second was an inquiry with the help of another fren Ri, his boss company does logistic and for some of the storage components they are looking to hire a part time draughtsman to create some reference drawing. I said hell yes at least something but so far no news. Plus point is that it is 1 MRT stop away from my house but Minus point is that Ri told me his boss is very stingy.

Saw that my last company started looking for people again in the news and it just breaks my heart. It was indeed a bitter pill to shallow. I was throwing the letter of appointment out of the window when a interesting clause caught my eye. 'During the comfirmation period of 2 months, if a termination or resignation occur, it must be given 2 weeks notice from either party' F**k, how could I fail to see this one, at least I could stay on for another 2 weeks to practice Autocad 2004 and also earn some more money at the same time. It can help me in my future interviews.

Other than job hunting and resentment, I was caught up with the usual weekend predictions and chart updates. So , my weekend are usually tie up and a bit of monday/friday as well. However, did manage to catch up 2 shows for review as more time on hand.

First was Silk, a show with a combination of stars from Taiwan/China/Japan/HK. Most popular being Barbie Hsu (Big S from SOS) and Karina Lam, the main lead Chang Chen (CROUCHING TIGER, HIDDEN DRAGON). The Japan lead seems quite popular in Japan too ,Yousuke Eguchi but I'am not so familar. Anyway, the show has a great story and the director (Su-cho Ping, remember Double Vision) really keep yu on your toes with tis one. Acting is above average too for a ghost flick. I dun really think the show is scary but it makes yu think which I guess ranks it as a intelligent movie. The story is about a group of scientists who captures a child ghost with a device call Menger Sponge which absorbs electromagnetic energy. There are several mysterious deaths in the process of discovering who the boy identity is and the victims sprouted silk from their torsos and limbs. Discovering the source of the silk lead to a greater sacrifice for all the scientists and investigators. Here is its website. I like it, go catch, really good show.

Second was a triller call The Prestige. It stars Hugh JackMan (Wolverine), Christian Bale (Batman), Scarlett Johansson, Piper Perabo, Michael Caine, and haha David Bowie. With such a strong cast, yu know acting is top notch and the storyline super duper. I went it just expecting a average to above average show but it knocks me off my feet, vintage stuff. I dun feel bored at all, the story flows too and not really a drag. Bale and Jackman will play rival magicians in turn-of-the-century London who battle each other for trade secrets. The rivalry is so intense that it turns them into murderers. Consequently jeopardizing the lives of everyone around them in the process. The title itself means the completion of a successful magic trick... The Prestige. Here is their trailer, enjoy, definally a good watch.

Well tomorrow I start work for R again and it is like got work do first, think later attitude. The money I received from my 1 week stinct as a draughtsman is still healthy, but I need to plan for my next month rent, I dun know where my mom spends all the money but I can see she is broke as well. I have pay our h/p and internet and not really left with much. I hope to go for a job fair at the end of the month and see how it goes. Also, my tele-marketing boss is holding on to my last week pay and I really hope they sent the cheque over. Sigh, also lost a small bit on soccer lately too like $15 overall for the month. It was not as bad as before but it is not that good either. Hey, will be catching DeathNote soon.... will preview next week if possible. Alious...

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