
Trap in a world of soccer, disillusion by soccer betting, come back strong and steady, gave up betting but dive into soccer analysis, to help other people overcome the odds, with my own predictive tools

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Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Dear worms & maggots;

It is that time again for LOVE, the bows of the cupids have infused their arrowhead with a poison so potent, the gods themselves would have been affected as well if shot.

So much less chance the human kind can really resist its fatal penetration. Unless yu are me of course, heart so frozen I form a snow wall around my body aura, well, i am not your average kind of guy, I supposed. Anyway back to my life;

Last 1 month

In short it was pretty mundane, part time work, playing SRO, update charts, looking at comics and watching YourTube. Also, the agency had sent in 2 ft job applications for me and i think it can be officially be dead after 1 month of waiting. Also attended a pt-nite job interview but another dead end, well, welcome to my life.

Lately too the part time jobs have drop as well, but as i write tiz i suddenly received a phonecall by my part time boss to go down to work in 2 hours time, talk about rite timing.....

Anyway today topic is about LOVE and i decide to do a log in about love and online gaming....I have selected 2 stories from my frens around my circle and post them here. Very interesting stories as well, so here goes;

Story 1:

X (guy) and Y(girl) have been happily married for more than a year. The guy I know is a avaid fan of World of Warcraft and have lev 70 mages (a couple of them) under his belt. Well Y did know about the boyfren or hubby online gaming addictions but didn't think too much about it.

So after marriage, naturally there was a tinge of complain, usually through me. So i suggested to Y, go get a set of WoW beta, join in and share with her husband, understand his pain and happiness. And who knows, maybe she will put his hubby to shame and he will put more attention to her. Naturally X was over the hill as he feel less complain from the missy, will mean more gaming time, he was thanking me for directing tiz scheme of a plot. But, actually, my suggestions was just meant to pull both of them closer.

So Y started playing and X was ever ready to help , he being a high level player. Over the months, she climb the ranks reach quite a high level, whereas X was waiting for the next expansion the Burning Crusade. So there comes a time where she will come home, buy food from tha mall, and start playing the game herself. Mine yu she's already a lev 50, and we all know how hard it is to reach there, she dun really need X protection any more. She is well equipped to be a superhero in the war of gaming.

Suddenly, i hear her hubby starting to complain about her. He say she dun pay too much attention to him lately. Well it was nice to teach her the game at first, but now as she grow into it, well, she became more absorbed and also more agressive.

Like just the other day he ask :" Do yu think yu will fall for my online gaming character?"

Reply:" No way, he leaves me dead when he jolly well know my line is laggy, and run off ahead without me, in fact, if i am higher level than he his i will turn to hardcore, and chop his head off and take all his possessions."

A queer silence follow after that......

Well i told him, buy 2 set of WoW Burning Crisade, and start playing the game together as equals and not 1 leading the other, that should be fun and less tension. Well he did and so far no complains yet for the last 1.5 months,... hope it will bring happiness and Happy Valentines wishes from a good fren, oh and may it last forever!

Story 2:

The next tale is more of a fairytale bit of touch to it, well C is a nice fren i met on an online game. And she was a mid level player, whereas i was a few notches below her. Naturally, i always turn to her help when I couldn't figure out something, or get stuck.

Well, i found out later thru our conversations her boyfren is like inside the game as well, and halfway around the globe. They meet each other in the game very often and catch up.

So i naturally ask: "So yu two have been playing tiz game before he left for his World Tour?"

Her answer:"No i haven't met him in person, we just met in the game"

I was like doing a pancake flip in a hot oven, that is logically not conprehensive, and mind yu she is a very intelligent women, she is training to be a doctor. She also looks cute in her blog pics too (I dun think she mind me saying that, but dun want to be spear to death by her boyfren). So the only logical conclusion is that she is poison. Yes by a half feverish cupid that has taken on too many quests. Thus the route she takes on for her pursue of her soulmates is like well.... Hell! So, below is their online story and a tribute to them..

1st chap , How they met (i kinda make up the conversation but somethin like that)

Like any other love story our heroine C was lured by the power of the leading man P while doing 1 of her lower level quest. She step into his circle of protection (a zone where lower end mobs can't touch us). Immedimately a gentle and smoothing voice comfort her from within the circle,

P:" Hi there, whats your level? Notice yu have a hard time out there, come into the circle, can protect yu from all the mobs outside"

C:" 16, and whats yours?

P:"40 (i am just making it up, i seriously dun know his level was then), i am waiting for someone...."

C:"reinforement ? Looks like yu dun need any!"

P:" No, waiting for a lady"

C:" Lucky girl"

P:" Not just any lady but Tiger Lady"

(Just for the sake of people not playing tiz game, Tiger Lady is a monster which is like a lottery in tiz game, quite powerful but once yu are above lev 30, yu can hunt her down, many prizes awaits the victor)

So that nite finally see the P helping C to complete her quest, and our heroine was smitten by the character.

2nd Chapter, Tricks guys must learn while in pursuit of a online game female (also be prepared to relinguish some of your good weapons)

C thought she was already quite smart and yet she couldn't forsee what's gonna happen to her next. She was new in town in a place call DongWah. And was taken in by its ancient ruins.

(Tiz place we will all go when we hit lev 20-21, depend on your speed)

Suddenly tis character appear and scam her of her weapon. (I guess if she was not so busy adjusting to the new place she wouldn't be scam). Anyway, that guy took off with her weapon and log off, leaving her to cry and cursed and wanting to give up the game for good.

Suddenly, a miracle happen and P appears, comforting and console her in a manner like a kind soul feeding a small kitten with warm cow milk. She still feel bad but his gentle coaxing melt her heart. But wait more to come, P told her since she uplevel to DongWah, he gonna give her a surprise present. And so when she open up her inventory she see her own weapon plus another high end weapon that she needs for the next phase of her game. She was angry and happy at the same time.

So P was both the cowboy and the indian. A good trick to learn for all male gamers out there...

Chap 3, Follow up and sealing the deal, skip tiz parts guys too hard

Afterwards it was reinforce the relationship with actions. Bringing her to hunt (quest), going to trade, tis game is call silkroad yu know and trading is very important to earn revenue for your character. And also supplying her with all the neccessary equipments for her character growth.

But tiz alone is not enough, constant pestering at first thru e-mail, chat room (in the game), then a slow and gradual upgrade to phone and webcam. At tiz point of time I would like to highlight a point here. Never attempt this feat unless yu are half as confident in your looks in comparison to your next door neighbour (benchmark). Chances are for a average joe like yu or me (told yu it was difficult), yu could be slap with a lawsuit from oversea.

Chap4, Confession, Most of us wont reach tis stage guys

Yes, both the star cross lovebirds finally admiting their love and admiration for 1 another; this too will be opposed by parents/siblings/frens from both side of the globe. But just as many frens opposed, an equal will stand up and support as well. Newton first law or Relativity, all action has a equal or opposite reaction. So, I am casting my vote on the support side, I wanna believe in a fairytale just 1 last time.

In fact, just last week, she proposed to him in the local server chat where everyone can see. Its a pity I miss it, I was too biz trying to adust to a new quest and was been slaughter that whole nite. But on the next day, another gamer fren did have a small chat with me about her

Addu: " Was it Con yesterday? On global yu catch it?"

Me: "I am afraid so. But i didn't catch it, too depress with life and quest. "

Addu:"She high on something?"

Me:"No, worse. She is smitten by a very powerful poison, shot by an bowsman!"

So ends my both story and i hope it will be of nice reading. Whenever Valentine comes along , i usually hide myself in a corner or go see a show. So when to see Ghost Rider, a great show. The main character Johnny Blaze (Nick Cage) is a lot like my own character so i particularly enjoy the movie. A radical that does his own way while all others tell him not to, a little rebel. I too hope the devil will take my soul too, in exchange for a better life from this f**k up piece of s**t lifestyle. If he could throw in a couple of females on Valentines too that will be a bonus.

Apsycho your naruto link is here; Naruto

The following is a dedication of love songs are for all the lovebirds in my blog, also for yu too Apsycho, some common interest so follow only regrets, no rap or hip/hop tiz entry, sigh.......once a year.

For X and Y, Eyes on Me, Final Fantasy 8

For C and P, Dearest by Ayumi Hamasaki

For C viewing pleasure, Origin of Love

For Apsycho, our common interest, maybe old fox and Peace as well, hack all mankind

For Peace/Apsycho, Korean, Kim Hee Soon sing duet with Jackie Chan, Sen Hua

For myself, Twins, Chinese Cupid in Training, anyone one of them will do for me, ;)

The Love Spider wishes all Happy Valentine Day


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Spider,

I enjoyed reading through your blog entry. The story is a little off in terms of the details, but you have the meat of it. Wow, you did pay attention when I shared the story with you. Very impressive. You have inspired me to think about writing the story based on my perspective and how much I can recollect. I will write the story of P's and my encounter on SRO on my blog. Thank you for taking your time to do this.
By the way, you are a great writer. I like your writing style.
Happy Valentine Day.

Warm wishes,

11:15 AM  

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