
Trap in a world of soccer, disillusion by soccer betting, come back strong and steady, gave up betting but dive into soccer analysis, to help other people overcome the odds, with my own predictive tools

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Location: Singapore

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Humiliated FatSpider

Days So Far;

It has been a uneventful week, working for minimum wage, updating my soccer charts and been look down upon by my friends. Yap, a fallen angel been mistaken for a demon from hell. The foul stench of my lower social status makes a decompose rat smell better like Channel No 5.

First was my present boss R, of course he has the right to humiliate me workwise. But, I felt even when we are having a general discussion concerning things unraleted to work. He makes me feel so useless like making a comment that my memory is poor, as I mistook him for not taking duck meat/ or quoting wrongly that he ignore another fellow as they have a misunderstanding. There are other comments like how I like to complicate matters by giving suggestions on his month end trip. While all I intended was to give my best opinion to help save on his transport and recommend the best place to eat. Even his other frens that ocassionally visit his shop kinda influence and do make subtle comments here and there. Maybe it was just me been paranoid over a period of not working full time, but I dun have to be Professor X to read the mind of other people! A drop in the standing ladder as perceived by society.

Second was from a good fren Wanker (copywriter). I had a major fallout with him yesterday over a shit piece of joke from my sms. It goes something like tiz.....

'Yu wanna blow into my jimmy head. Monkie'

He perceived that I was asking for a blow job and blew his top. Now before I go further let me make it clear I am straight. I have the many scars from my bitches on my back to proof it. The reason for this sms was because his last 2 sms was about him denouncing his sentient attachments and becoming a monk (jokingly). So I was kidding by asking him to blow on my bald head. It was a case of bad joke wrong timing. When a person is in anger he will pour out his true feelings. He discriminated me by saying what the f**k was I doing with my life, that stab me deeply remembering I am still dealing with emotional recovery. Even though he insisted that he dun judged me but the damage is done. The fact that he shot straight off the top without even going thru a normal thinking cycle indicates a inclination of my lower social status. If I was at a younger age I would have shot back fast, then talk to the cropse, cuz way back I was one that never like backtalk. But I did the right thing, I took the bullets as it was my powderkeg that started it all. I kinda forgive him as he also going thru some hard times.

Wanker's luck was turning better as he has just found a part time copywriter job but it only last till end Dec. When he broke the news to me I was actually quite thrill for him. Well, at least 1 of my unemployment bunch of jokers made it. But the worries of what comes after that and mounting debt really takes its toll in him. I saw a mood swing from been suicidal to aggression. I personally went thru the same thing myself when I was axed but it took a longer time. But multiple rejections from our gracious society kinda mould me to a wimp. He beat the crap out of a young punk that spat at him last saturday. If not for 2 petroling policeman that happen to intervene, I fear the young punk might go thru a seizure and be bedladden for the rest of his life. On a earlier episode last week, he re-enacted 'Tyson vs late Ali (old and Parkinson Disease)'. He challenaged the old internet keeper where we sometimes watch our ESPN to a boxing match outside when the geezer hinted my fren was always complaining. So, our buddy has become a avenger with a death wish and that makes him a walking time bomb waiting to explode. Maybe, a good let off steam. Bless his 'DragonHeart' soul !

On a happy note, my loose teeth is at least out. I did the impossible by reaching back and pulling it out when my tongue felt it oscillating to a new angle. I was actually trying to save some money and also it has become too uncomfortable. I dun know where I gather the courage but it must be inspired by Wanker. To my surprise and amazement, the pain only lasted a couple of sec and there was only a whisker of blood.

Another happy point to note was my Sequence Chart in my prediction blog (see links at my sidebar) seems to be performing. It registed +ve swing for most of the catagories. I am pround to say that I did this based on my own maths that I contempleted for 1 or 2 months. If at the end of the season it still persists, I hope to promote it for next season in forums. The other 2 charts was extracted from a consultant which I paid for his E-book but I added the satistical portion. His basic for the charts are in it but what is lacking is the theory and case study for reference. I have summarised that in my soccer analogy blog all the observations for 1 year. I personally feel people should shared their knowledge and learn from each other and try not to let greed come in the way. But I do understand the sweat it takes to come out with a chart too !

Well sad to say I am broke again and down to my last $7, Sinapore just lost to Iraq 2-0 and I eat ball from Spool. Total for the month my lost are up to $98 and 4D ibet seem very low on hits too. Yu might ask how & why I dun used my charts but Spool kept a fixed handicap of 1.5 and my charts are based on actual broking house handicap. So I am restricted to buying total goal and the occasional ht-ft. I might try to integrate my findings to my Spool bets so it can help me at least ease my financial worries. I also have a software to predict 4D and it is quite accurate provided you system bet the forecast numbers. This month I have a set of 10 numbers forecasted for ABCD and the last 6 all got hit, but I selected 3 of the first 4 to buy, juz my kind of luck....F**K it! Some videos for you to enjoy.....

Real UFO sighting at Twin Towers 2 months before 911 (conicidance)

Wired Al White and Nerdy

Porn Wars

New PS3 trailer for DOA extreme

Commercial for PS3 vs Wii (new competition, blue ray)

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Venom Fatspider;

Days so far;

Been a week already since my last imput and nothing much really happening .....

Work wise it is still the same but it is getting a bit fustrating. My part time job is pay by per drawing and the alterations are a killer (free of charge). I really need to get some extra cash somewhere else. I am really into the deep end after paying $160 of handphone and internet bill.

The f**king loose front tooth is loosen further and now really resemble a loose pussy from a crack whore. Somebody told me if I let it deterioate, it might came off in my sleep and choke me. Hell, with my luck, it might kill me even. I make a point to foregone all luxuries and have this little devil exocists first, as long as some money come my way. Shit, no movies on my rest days for the next couple of weeks. Also, imagine Venom with no teeth, utter shame and shatter dignity. First sign of mid life crisis.

I am slowly sliding out from the deep depression but I am still not emotionally functional. Gonna pick myself up and start hurting for a full time or maybe another part time job to supplement. I gonna break free from these chains or it will pull me down to the depth of destruction.

Also, my Ah Han (comic shop owner) is pestering me to join his guild for a free game call SilkRoad online. It seems fun enough but I do have problems registering but I am downloading the game first, will feedback more about it once I start playing and hope will bring poor people like yu and me more joy in tiz cool and blizzard society.

Leave you worms and maggots with something funny I found on the web and a song;

Charlie Brown Halloween

Charlie Brown Ramadan (for laugh only, I love Muslim bros personally)

Smack That by Akon and my fav shit Eminen

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Fallen Fatspider;

Days so far;

Depress and disgusted with life, a web of solid foundation build on strngth and resolution just came fallen down in utter dissolution. There's how my life was so far tiz last couple of weeks.

To start off, I am working part time at R's place, the work seem more difficult than before so that makes it more harder to earn a decent salary. I am like just demoralizes over the sacking of my 1 week full time drawing job. I was practically dragging my paces thru R's job until he got fed up and gave me a hard tick off, I then realizes I have to speed up and try to earn more as I still got bills to pay and daily meals to substain. A lot of my frens tell me move on and dun think lah but it still hurts today. I rather all that never happen and I just go about finding a part time and stuff, the fire in the fighting spirit really got zap away to oblivion. It was hard to recover I truly admit.

I was already in a deep state of depression when I start work again. I also found out the hard way about not being paid for my tele-marketing job. (The company really just pack up and go). Even though I am own only $170, I really need all the help I can get, F**k It....I also seem to have a bad constipation problem lately and that led to some blood in my stool. I remember Heng (mp3 biz) also have the same problem before, he told me if I let it alone eventually yu will need to piles and more complications. This really scare me and I immediately take a lot of banana and orange juice, lucky for me no more problems surfaced any more. So I was really going thru money/health/work worries and even my soccer chart updates suffer. I have to play catch up for most of the nites and resulting in me being tired for most of the time. Coupled with a very loose front teeth that pains when it rocks in it's pocket but no money to extract (also consider my image aspect in finding work). Naturally it affected the job and R was right in letting me have it. But maybe I should try explaining it to him..... but really I need the job for the moment!

There also seem to be a lot of bad news among my present information circle. I personally feel all the crap in the newspaper about economy is up and up and unemployment down... Bullshit! Look at all the sucidal news lately? People selling their kidney/babies over the net....People jumping onto MRT tracks (at least its worth it for him, all that donations , bless his soul). People getting robbed at gunpoint (Malaysia) and fraud cover up etc. It makes yu want to end your life too, but I'am too weak to even cut myself in the mirror. So if I have a gun, I may just pull the trigger, yeah and hopefully god with take me by its place. RIP~

My frens also had it pretty tough too. I can name at least 3 who shared the same sufferings that I concurred. The rejection by a cold society that tunes in to profit, F**K the resources. It was all in the same period that's why make the situation more prominent.

First was a guy (call him Ri) I met at Ah Han's comic shop, he had a medical condition due to a stroke attack (I can't be sure really) . But he recovered enough to walk but lets just say with a swagger but he's definately fit for work. However he has been taken advantage of and dispiced by his boss at work until he couldn't take it anymore. I guess he's a bit of a hothead and I really do admired his guts for sticking up for himself. I would have just shallowed everything as with R, but my financial do pale in comparison to the lowest lifeform. Naturally, he went for a few interviews and all ask him to wait for news ( we all heard that one before) but the croaching tiger still have some fiesty in him and that demands respect!

Second was Wanker (cover up name). He pull his weights in the copyrighting industry and earns the most among the losers I know (haha just a joke). However, age is catching up with him and lately his company embark on a decision not to further his contract. Naturally the poor man was devastated and just laden himself with the high life to paralyse his soul. He some how manage to squarder all his money and seem resign to jump on any job in the near future as he has a lot of debt to clear. However, I feel he need to find that burning flame first that seems lost in the darkness. Another worrying sign I find was a strong tendacy for self destruction. It is already bad not to look at yourself everyday in the mirror. I dun want to feel a sudden urge to slit my own throat each time I peek but to look at your buddies turn into a spiltting image of my doopledangle really dampens my spirit. This Hidden Dragon really seems to hide from reality for the moment. But, if he find his flame he will fly and spit fire... Fight man fight! He will always remain a good fren as I remember he slip me $20 to eat when R has no job for me.

Last was another character I met at Ah Han shop call him Sky. He models himself over some gangster flick show that has a lot of brothers under him. In truth, he's all alone in his little world and live on all the helpings Ah Han, and some of the customer would give him. He's been to jail before for minor stuff like sell VCD and peeping and I guess, the cold society just sort of custrate off (like skin of a penis), lesser human being like him. There's something seriously wrong with the Yellow Ribbon Project. It is not reaching out to everyone it seems. He did work at my former internet cafe for 1.5 weeks and naturally my fat boss take it as a opportunity to take advantage to the fullest. 12 hours for $20 but he get to eat and stay there, so our fren did work but naturally throw tandrums at every possible way. Finally, my former boss took in a replacement that's willing to do the shift (poor soul) and sack Sky. So, after that he's been like working on and off on cleaner odd jobs and finally some Christian societies help him pay for his first month of rent in a run down shack. But beggers can't complain. I can only offer some peanuts and puff for him but that's as much as I can do (shittin myself dirty too). I did do a tailsman for him (yeah, dun ask me why I know) and it was supposed to give him good dreams but it ends up scaring him as he has a encounter with a entity. He ask me for help again but my spiritual level is really not there yet. I suggest he go back to the fat boss (medium) to ask for forgiveness and help but he's pride gets in the way. However, he do get a bit agressive trying to bend people to heed his needs and I just hope he change on that aspect. We all chip in to help but we dun own him. He blames the whole world for his plight and demands all for assistance but sometimes he has to help himself first. I would put him as The Hero, it takes special skills to survive a quest that long, be it begging or lacking in social grace.

On a good note my mp3 fren Ah Heng seems to pick up his biz, he's flying to ShangHai to find more source for his products. He seems to be enjoying the limelight as he opens another shop in Jurong Point. There's gonna be another shop opening in 1-2 months in Pearl Centre and I just hope he has some plans for me. Lately did try to phone him for help but all my calls end up zipped, it seems if a person is flyin they dun see too clearly what's crawling at ground level.

On a lighter note, did watch the movie 'Death Note' and it was awesome (damn good). I dun really know the movie stars but I follow the menga. I thought the menga was a bit draggin but the show was a different thing. It was in truth very mind stimulating (the menga was like that too but just draggi) and the acting and special effect top notch. The story has been altered slightly but it was tastefully done. I especially like the oddball detective L . Light and MisaMisa was mediocare but they are still the main characters. A special mention has to go out to the FBI lady agent (Reye, i think), the actress put in a outstanding performance in support. Her storyline was altered to give her more meat and she really nails it. Can't wait for the sequeal in Jan 07. Death God Ryuk give yu his belated halloween greetings.......
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting In death we find peace, In life we all grieve......

Ok getting light and have to get some sleep as got to work tomorrow, I hope Chelsea ko Aston Villa tonite. Lampard just scores and I am hoping for 2 to 3 goal total for my appertizer bet. See yu all in the future and I promised to blog more often ..... just let me slide out tiz period first.

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