
Trap in a world of soccer, disillusion by soccer betting, come back strong and steady, gave up betting but dive into soccer analysis, to help other people overcome the odds, with my own predictive tools

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Location: Singapore

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Fatspider Devil (hey anyone see DeathNote....lately)

Days so Far;

Really angry but I half expected it, the tele-marketing job has cease to pay me again, so far after working for 3 weeks there, 1st week they pay, 2nd week they gave me a cheque written for 6th,October, and this latest episode. The reason my supervisor gave was that the boss is oversea, he'll call me to collect when he received the sign off cheque/cash from the gaffer. I've just been rape in the asshole by Bangalah.... shit.

I was really lucky as I completed 2 drawings from mon/tues and R pay me $80 first. Without tis little amount I think I might just faint in starvation. (After lunch, I was down to $4) . I gave $50 to my mom to pay for my internet bill and I just have to make do with $30. Hope I can complete some more drawings or my gaffer gets everything settled by sat. Even when my luck turns better I am still trap by my economical tendrils. Sigh...


Ever wonder why yu go thru a long period of bad luck and there is just no way out? Well, yu are looking at a living example personify. Yeah, my run started right after CNY 2004 and it hit real low at May 2005 (lost my US firm job but still have money) and Oct 2005 (broke and hospitalize but still with a job). It hit another low at Feb 2006 (my investment asset was frozen by SEC but still have a job). But I feel the worst hit was in May 2006 (totally broke penniless and without a job). I know I am going thru a bad run but I hope to see a U-turn up ahead.

In such bad times, I will have to bring your attention to a lot of things, first foremost fengshui. Yu know the ancient saying first fate,second luck, third feng shui.... well, there is some truth to that.

My story;

Fate: I would say I am not fated to be rich, my closest family in Malaysia are not going thru the best of time too. One can actually track one's fate by following the actions and steps taken by their parents and predict a predestined fate. Of course one can argued that all this hocus-pocus are bull to the core and one's fate is in 1's hand. True but the only way a person can bend fate if yu have superhuman luck and extraordinary fengshui to back yu up.

Hardworking can only help yu that far but if yu dun have luck, damn...half the result. Luck can make up for hardworking but if yu are not hardworking enough... 3/4 the result. The best are both elements working hand in hand. My parents are living examples of the above analogy. My papa the later and my mom the former. In wealth we despair, but in health, well my papa is a bit weak, he pass on at 60, but my mom is pretty gritty at 67, it runs in the family as my grandma live to a ripe old age too, I guess it is a good trade-off more than anything. I am a strong believer that fate are inherited, I just hope it tilts more to my mom's side, at least in health....

Good Luck: Yes luck can be made; some have more than others. I strongly believe luck has a direct linkage with the karma of one's life, either now or prior (if yu believe in recarnation of course). Through my observation over the years, I can generally define good luck into 2 types;

Big Ben- This will be like a person would generally have bad luck but tends to have very good luck just for a short spell but it is superb luck, but I have to have the admit if a person is not fated for wealth, usually he might miss it, or have a smaller helping. But if he do rides on it, well this are the lottery winner or successful bizz owners

Woodpacker-This is like a person has no bad luck all thru his life; he has good luck always but it is all in small gains. This belong to all the working people with good pay and no worries.

Funnel- All the luck has been trap and what comes out are residue of luck that dun speak too good for a comfortable lifestyle. Generally workers belong to this group, usually hardworking too. But, all the efforts and sacrifices usually come to null.

No surprises for guessing which group I'am in.....

FengShui:It always hold true that a good fengshui can help in a big way in filtering your bad luck away. Usually the good luck absorption factor are so much harder to come by. Yu will be smiling if your bad luck stays to a minimum on long patches of despair such as the one I am enduring now. But I personally feel it by a change in living quaters from Commonwealth (South) to Geylang (East).

Commonwealth or CW for short is a whracker for me, I totally loses it, my part time biz die off in 3 months, I suffer a whole year of bad luck in wrong investments and bad relationships (2004) until losing my job in May 2005. I stayed on there until August 2005 and it completely destroy my life. The rent was a killer too and the place is pretty secluded up on a hill. Not forgetting landing a shitty job at the internet shop.

Geylang is a turning point, I know I am clashing into a 12 year cycle (usually very bad luck thru the year) and 2006 is a dog year. So as a dog I must know, does tiz place provide me with enough filter to last until the end? I was quite lucky to come across a newspaper that uses 1 example of a house that has a door facing west and sitting east, best for 1970 people and they will enjoy 20 years of very good luck in their main job.

I found tiz place and with a check of my compass, immediately like it already. But the place is really run down and hot/humid and is not conditional for living. People that rent a place here all has a lot of finanicial problems and that is a proven fact. Once I moved in, I was immediately ask to work for the comic shop all in a day, and after that the 12dp investment programme comes in and I was starting to believe it. But I forgotten that tiz is a dog year and even if I have luck, it will be in a job not thru investment.

Yu guys probably know what comes after that and I was down and out again, but I slowly realised what tis house can give me in terms of character, I became stronger and more hardworking, and it more or less got stuck in me. I guess going hungry and a detachment from all my mortal sin really builts my fighting spirit up. I was never in my life hard-working except during my school days. When I started working I get depress a lot as I dun really know how to handle human relationships but I was quite lucky from (20 to 30) so it goes on quite smooth, but after 30, stock market crash, lost in soccer punting, I naturally became weaker and forgotten tiz other side of me. I forgotten the first 20 years of my life was like shit where my father beat me up and cheat on my mom, with no money but just a burning desire to prove myself, yes I was hardworking as I had a inferior complex that is way too strong. However, now I am hardworking but I dun feel inferior before like my youth days. Yes, even though I have 80c in my poach most of the time enough for a tea-o only,I f**k life in it's face and spit at poverty.

The first person to see it are my frens like R, comic shop boss and my supper neighbour. Even when out of job in August I forced myself to study blogging thru the net and I was really surprised at my development too. To be honest, I sleep a average of 5 hours per day and study opportunities and blog and get inspirational by XX and that fellow that earn a mil thru pixel advertising. I swear if I will make it there someday.

So, I finally realised what tiz house has done, I dun know if it is feng shui but it brought back a part of me so lost in time, it was forgotten in the deepest depth of my soul. A hunger to strive even for no money. So, I began to see the intricate workings of it all, and with an upcoming job and a new influx of cashflow, I just have to ride the year and wait for GOOD LUCK to arrive, only then can tis feng shui thing completes it's cycle of clensing.

Just a note that during a damnation year (12 year cycle), yu really can see the differance in luck especially during the ghosts month. I mean like I do prayers and stuff just before it start but I do get brushes with the supernaturral in the toilet of R's working place. I also get press by a spirit in my house and nearly knock down by a car with my neighbour. I also withness a cat got chop into 2 by a roving taxi. Job loses seen like a norm during tiz period and even if yu get a part time job (telemaketing), it will be unrewarding (look at the problems I have in getting my pay). It just seem too coincidental that my luck suddenly just pick up on the last day of ghosts month. Hmmm...Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting I'll still standing mutherf**ker, come and get me....

Jumping Spider (Salticidae) are so cute, Bionk Bionk Bionk

Days so Far;

Well things are turning out for the better since last week and I am happy again; lets start off where I left off, that's facing rejection in arranging for interview (not even attending a proper interview) .I received 2 calls on 14th,Sept morning... (last day of ghost month) ...or groom month.

First was a request to invite me down again for the SCV training for direct sales (which i kindly rejected), reason I have mention in my previous posts (too undefined for my liking in terms of income). I ain't flyin off yet with the mp3 /mp4 thing either.... so pardon me if I sense another failure programme!

Second was from a security guard firm (more like e-mail lah) telling me a big THANK YOU for spamming up their inbox with my application letter. Apparently they print out 3 times in the paper and I sent in 3 times (a last act of desperation I guess as I really dun have money at all). I assume they only wanted to take in NSRS trained personel but that course itself will setback a Singaporean $300 and for a mud fud PR ($800). Who saying we foreigner have it easy, screw the neck of a wine-bottle with a cork-twister. When I ask whether they provide a loan or possible deduction from my future salary if it means selling my soul. Hell no.... (to be honest, I did inquire from the same company 1 year ago and they say yes to the above, but I was only weighing my options then as I still have a comics job)....Sigh....Yap

Blog a bit and went to see 'Joe Tucker must die' in the afternoon(down to last $60, so what the hell lah). Just for the record, only that dog Jesse Metcalfe (yeah the gardener who sleeps with Gabrelle in Desparate Housewives) is keeping tiz show from falling apart. He really took a pretty flat part and bring it to live. In this show, the main characters are actually the ladies so the man are side-dish. But he's good.... that's all I can say and I am a any ladies reading my publish should go catch him. I really wanted to gawked at Ashanti , the sex goddess of rap but .... Jesse is way too cool.

After the show, received my first piece of good news from R, he wants me to start work again tiz week monday. I naturally was thrill as he pay by per drawing and I really needed some liquify cash juice, not cold hard cheque (from tele-marketing). I went back home and received more good news, 4 potential employers ( for hiring came knocking and ask if I am interested, and invite me to sent in my resume. (But no draughting job lah). I did but to be honest, I haven't received anything from them till tis day. But it still brightens up my day!

Next day was even batter, 2 phone calls inviting me for interviews for draughting; Ting Ting, I strongly believe the sudden turn of event is in the software application area; they choose Microstation over Autocad. Wow, I couldn't believe my ears; Microstation is rite down my alley even though I lost touch for over 2 years and the latter; well yu all know the stories so far, I have been begging potential employers to train and give me a chance , but all perfer to leave thy cold at the doorsteps like the black plague. To be honest, this 2 are the 1st pair of postings asking people with Microstation knowledge to step up in like 1 year+, goodness! Talk about dinosaur extinction!

I agreed and set the interview on a monday and wednesday tiz week. A check with R indicates he's cool too by giving me some time off. The week was already looking up for me. I went about the usual biz of updating my charts over the weekend and waited for the big day to arrive.

Well off to face the firing squad cum monday and I purposely arrived half an hour early. The doorway to the firm has a statue of Buddha or Siam goddess overlooking the door and a fountain with goldfish in it. Hmmm.. looks good! I sat down, fill up the form and waited for my interviewer to arrive. The Green Mile was long and silent.

I was greeted by a sweet voice and tiz cute young lady smile and ask me why was I so early, I just smile and nodded my head. Yap, she was the one on the phone and happens to run the draughting department. I was totally impressed, I dun know whether by the threshold of power she exhibits for such a young age or just simply being a drop dead gorgeous lady with a killer smile (no kidding). She looks like a matured Janet from the Newpaper NewFace tis year. Yeah!

I waited a while for her to kick start her gear (she just came) and we sat down to my interview......! After a couple of general questions and software inquiry, she ask if we can do a drawing test on her console. Jialat lah testing of the software on the spot.

Autocad is way too long ago for me to remember, and Microstation I stop touching for 2 years, however good I am, I still need half a day to partial/total recall. My heart sank and told myself just my luck for going into something with so little preparation. I should have anticipated it.

First was the Autocad ver2004, I failed miserable. But lucky I was quite honest beforehand in saying my Autocad is veri le weak. I know like version 12 from early 90's.... roll eyes.... shallow sweat....vomit blood!

Ok next Microstation, I have to admit I was using ver 5.5 till my last drawing entry and what the hell is ver J ? So tis was my last chance and I really need to dig deep. The drawing seems simple enough but the icons....well....different....roll eyes again. To make things more uncomforting, I was more into command with a dialog box rather than icons. But I still play it safe by using them. It's my last chance, lucky I still know the steps (from 10 years) so it's a guess on which icons do what. I managed to come up with the drawing but it was far from accurate. I feel that I failed and I should be ashamed....period.

But the nice lady, let's call her D, came over and just ask me some more general questions ranging from m & e to software again to architectual than interior design. I answer to the best of my abilities and I feel they are weak answers in a dying whimper of despair. But surprise.... she ask me to hold up for a while to let her speak to her boss. Later, she ursher me in and I have a nice chat with the boss. He seems serious but a nice chap by far and assured me the salary I quote was ok but he is more worry on how I'll perform. He say he will consider my offer and just wait for their answer. Bing on no, de javu all over again....well as least there's another interview 2 days later and I am more prepared for this type of session.

On my way back to R's office in Katong, I bump into Ah Han (comic shop laopan) and he ask me what the hell am I doing here (Toa Payoh) and where am I going. I told him I'am heading to his shop teasingly but later I reveal I am working for R that day. He was happy for me and ask me to rate my chances for tiz interview? I say to be honest, I thinking I made a serious mistake in mentioning a second interview later in the week and also my blogsite....sigh. The boss ask for it and say he will check it out during his free time, if that's 1 thing tiz interview taught me, really be prepared for the angels and devils to pop up and start dancing.

Well, borrow a Naruto book from Ah Han and was settling down to my fav chicken rice with egg at KT shop ctr, received a call from D, yippie, I start work next week (2nd of Oct) but 3 months probation first. Well the deal is almost seal just left with the wax chop and envelope. I felt totally out of tis world, so much negativity and fustration that built up over tis 1 whole year all push up thru my windpipe, I proceed to shout out loud and a lot of on-lookers started staring but I continue laughing and shouting with the chicken rice flying out of my mouth. I dun care, I deserved a break after been thru so much. Naturally the pay here is still far from the US firm but it is a step at least. A step into a calm sea of hope coming thru a storm of devestation.Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
Thank yu lady D for guilding my lost ship to a safe habour.......

The next 2 days are just busy with work at R place, tomorrow will meet up with former collegues from the telemarketing firm to collect my 1 week pay. I sincerly hope they dun pull the cheque thing again as I am veri broke and down to my last $10. R did ask if I needed some juice $$ to crush, and I know he is trying hard knocking on clients doors to ask for payment but all ask him to wait till Oct. I respect him as a boss but on top of that I too valued him as a good fren. I already told myself to get from the telemak first, only if something go astry than I'll approach him with a advance of tis week pay.

I leave with a happy note and vid to describe my feelings;

Yoda Dance: me too happy lei

Yoda vs Samuel.Jackson

Thursday, September 21, 2006

Well my devils,

Today is the end of hell month in the Chinese Zodic and only 12 hours before yu are wrisk back to your wormhole by the white lord and the dark knight (ancient Chinese mythology legends) . So just attached some vids capture on all the F**K things yu spirits did this last 2 months, enjoy........

(PS: 1 of them is real footage about 3 French students who injured in car crash after picking up a lady who later known to die on that same road back in 1982)

See yu next 7Th month, muhahaha!

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Drunken Fatspider
Sorry just drown my sorrows in 2 cans of 40's olz (beer)... burrp, sorry if I sound sleepish tonite.


When yu have more free time on your hand and no money. Yu will naturally try to find a outlet to vent all the fustration from life's most severe rejections. I am not talking about alcohol; although I do admit to having a brush in my early years. But all that I keep in check quite well and never let it spill over.... burrp...oh for god sake, let me off tonite, I feel so dejected after 2 or 3 phone calls all landed in no interview. To make things more fustrating, 1 of the part time job I write in last week re-print again in the papers, f**k, my application smells like shit or what? :(

Anyway booze still cause money, I dun really have that in abundance, I just happen to bum into an old collegue from way back, and he too face some shit in the last couple of years, but now he's yupping again as a cleaner supervisor. He offer to pay for a can for me from 7-11, and we toast to heaven/earth and the gods of Labour, and afterwards things just sort of drift on to another ale. (I can't let him pay for the 2nd one lah, he also not that rich). Sometimes it is lost soul like him that make life a bit more easier to bear, they shared a lot of the pain too and they know. Talk is useless, he can't help, but maybe he can assist me in some memory isolation.

My topic tonite is more about a different form of escape (although getting drunk may help in attaining that realm of ecstacy). I love to fall asleep in cool air con places and do a power nap. You know those that last only half an hour to 45 mins. Yu dun let it drift into REM mode when yu start dreaming, but just before. Yu will feel really re-charge and revitalise but if yu dive too deep and let Mr Sandman sprinkle some dream dust on you, good luck. My case will be a minimum 2 hours sleep and I'll wake up feeling more zombie. I want to wake up feeling like a vampire (able to fly) , not the prior.....

This form of escape all started in my early years, my boss R (from my drawing part time job), brought me to a health centre and it all change my life. I went in a boy but came out a man.....
Photobucket - Video and Image HostingPhotobucket - Video and Image Hosting
Now before I go further and turn this into a confession forum for all you priests out there, I have to admit I am no angel. A health centre are common knowledge in South East Asia where the thrill is not really about maintaining your shape; it is the massage that is girls that look like Jolin Tsai.... or in the pics and lets just say they have poor massage skills....:) .
Just a obersvation at this point, I think 85% of S'pore male population visit HC at 1 time of their life and the other 10% are gay (they do worse things like organised drug laden orgies). The last 5% are most propably handicap in 1 way or another, be it physically or mentally. (No offence to them but I don't think they will take pride in a visit to the HC anyway,so.....)

Anyway a lot of people probably outgrow the flower stingma after a couple of visit. But I persisted on....yap...., I actually develop a liking for the spa aspect of the health centre. There is a lot more spa that pop up recently but way back in the 90's, it is the kindom of the HC, which later is overtaken by TuiNa shop and now by spa. If SPA is white colour and TuiNa shop is black colour, then HC will be the in between like grey colour. I leave it to you'll to go figure it out.

Back to my topic, my fav is to go into the jacuzee hot twirling pool and I love to feel the soft sensation of water beating up the pores of my skin, afterwhich I will usually take a 15-30mins doze in the pool and feel ripe for anything. I know many of you will fail to understand me why still spend unneccssary money when you're not gonna get a massage. Well, it is just 1 of the lifestyle I craved, I love to do hot pool/cold pool, follow by a good makan and finally checking out the DVD collection and finally sleeping in the chair of the auditorium. I dun get tired by it and I can spent a whole day there, this much I do confess. While still in job with the US firm, I used to visit a hot pool spa/HC like maybe 3 time min a month. It is especially prominent when I have a lot of work related stress, or my soccer punting is not blosseming as I desired. One of my vice...I guess....but then BOOM, out of job.

But now that I am offically broke, I have to sake out new ways of escape. I started sleeping around... and I mean really sleep in public places (sometimes air con but sometimes airy open spaces). And I really do get a kick out of this power nap...yeah. I mean of course it will be better in a hot pool but the sleep is the essence of the recovery process. I actually perfer air con rather than outside as my place of hibernation.The small room I rent with my mom is fill with stale air and bugs all over the place. So, to doze off in cool air makes yu feel special....makes yu feel rich....yeah that's right. But yu have to fight off other captors for a seat and the occasional intrusion of a over-bearing security guard. He/She can ruin your sleep or for me my day.

Some of the places below I have ID as sanctury and like to share with genuine public sleepers ;

- Katong Mall 2nd storey clearing, a couple of seats make available and the security guard dun disturb yu, I personally have fall asleep for a record of 2.5 hrs due to the cool air con there. Rating : 9
- Golden Landmark Shoping Ctr, on each floor next to the lift, there is a safe zone that smack behind a jargon bend. The protrusion wall that prevails blocks off all security cameras, got the idea when come across tiz couple making out and flee thru the lift when they sense my presence. The only setback is yu gotta sit on the floor, other than that air con is cool and security gives yu a peace of mind. Rating :8.5
- Suntec next to Sanur Indo Resturant and the Wealth Fountain. There is a marble seat concealed by the high walls. The aircon is moderately cool and the security guard leave yu be too, but too many stare from the walking public. Rating: 8
- National Library Bugis, the air con is moderately cool but yu have to fight with other sleepers and the very hardworking librarians tends to give yu a piece of their mind but most just leave yu be. Plus point is a lot of books to read too so it balance out. Rating : 7
- Chinatown Point and Taka, but these places need to sit on floor for a nap, air con is cool but security guard very on. Rating: 6
- Changi Airport. Too many sleepers there, need to fight. Security guards moderately on but air con cool. Rating: 6

Hope yu all like my contributions; sleep should be free anyway; a couple of vids for the road....

Ghosts Rider

Spider 3 (my life story)

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Hilter Karl Fat Sriner

Days So Far;

I feel so fustrated like my Nazi Chief ID;

After I was sacked last sunday (10th of Sept), I spend monday nite rounding up some potential part time jobs and sent out 3 email; tuesday nite I sent out 4 and by wed and thurs; I decided enough already; no more waiting so I walk into 2 interview unannounced and hoping for the best; finger cross and twisted ass, whatever yu call it......

One is a starhub cable service direct sales (dun know beforehand) and require yu to go door to door with no basic pay; I need a quick income fix, not a forecast. I already got that already thru H's MP3/4 dealership supplies (a easier item to solicitate) and even this I find it hard to sell too. Although admittedly I dun think I push that hard; but I do participate in local tech gadgets forum and promote a bit; post the pricelist on my blogs and gave flyers to my collegues in my last job (poly students of course).

One of them for you viewing pleasure.....

Even got Ah Han (Comic shop boss) to help me push but so far a lot of of inquiry and flyer distribution at his shop too. No one really like to purchase, they just want to act cool in front of their frens, sigh .... sad but true!

My second job interview is even more pathetic; I didn't even get to speak one word. This was for a part time telemarketing job in a tour company. There is a sad story in there too; which goes like this. I went in there and fill up my particulars and waited...., I notice sitting opposite me was a 50+ man, he has a really dejected look upon his face (those of which like a dead guy), I figured he may be one of the investor or he may be my interviewer for that matter and decided I should give him a smile at least. But, still he remains motionless, just sitting there like a plant exercising photosynthesis. Never mind, 10 mins past and the counter lady receive a call and walk up to this man; and had a short talk; below is their conversation;

Lady : 'Sorry for letting you wait 2 hours, the interviewer has a sore throat and decided to conduct the interview thru phone on another day.'
Obasan:' But 2 ladies came after me and you ursher them in.... yu told me to wait here'
Lady: ' Yes, but those 2 are his and he knows them'
Obasan:'But they fill up the form like me too, can't yu make a exception, I already waited 2 hours...'
Lady:' Sorry, the door is that way dun need to show yu out.'

So the Obasan stands up and started to make his way out and I noiced a jerk in his walk that would normally associate with a stroke patient. My heart immediately sank, if I would to get the part time at the expanse of tiz poor guy. I would carry the weight in my heart for the next couple of weeks. He looks like he probably needs it more than I do.

So when the Lady came to me; I ask her, 'Is the interviewer sore throat better?' She shakes her head and I didn't even think twice about leaving, I stood up walk towards the door. On my way out, I sneaked a peek at the interview room and so this 50 something old man inching quite close to a young 18+ lady. There are mirrors arranged in such a way he can see us but we can never stared in (unless leaving). In my heart, I cursed and swear not so much about my job rejection, but the contrasting fate of 2 different old man......(This is the worst age/sexual discremation case since Clinton and Leveski), the jerk probably thought he can get away with office sore/deep throat from all these geisha interviews. Yeah, I'll do it, I'll deep throat him until his bob starts to turn blue and bite his whole piece off... just to ease my fustration.....and see some justice in all this !

Naturally for the next 2 nites I sent out more emails than ever just to avenage my own punishment. Wed nite (5) and Thurs nite (4). And on thursday decide to buy newpaper and call on the same day, well, it doesn't seem like a surprise when they told me the job is taken, I dun really have a surprising sweet voice anyway. But I guess people nowadays just perfer young lass to old bags of wind. I lost steam on friday, sending out only 2 emails but I have to chart for the weekend leagues anyway and that disorientated my job hunt/hurt for a while.

On top of all of these, when I went back to collecting my pay on wed, the telemarket shop pay me half in cash and half in cheque, dating to next f**king month, 10th some more. I feel I just been stab by life and throw into the ocean. At first when the gaffer told us (was with a brother collecting pay too) about his regretful actions as he face some cashflow difficulties. I accepted it but my good brother (down boy) was in combat mode. I think it was fine to hold 1 or 2 weeks but I never expected him to draft so long. Knn .... lucky R pass me another $100 and I hope to get by. After pay off last month plus 1/3 of July h/p bill, only left with $40 from my latest pay. I really can't survive lah, just bite the bullet lor!

Did started posing some threads in Asianbookie forum (sun and today, nick Fatspider) and I hope to gain popularity of my blog thru some indirecting methods, I respect spamming rules lah. Supposed to look for a job mon but was busy doing post up for my predictions on my prediction site. Also blogging this as well, guess I am still huanted by rejection in society.

Not much mood. Leave with some videos for all to smile with.....:)

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

I like the mumbo chick so much decide to stick with her for a while; she's a black widow.Muaahaha!


I was like heading towards Suntec City to get some luck from the fountain, and I was surprised at how quiet the damn forsaken place is. I guess this IMF meeting really rubs off on the shops. There are like glum faces everywhere (mainly the owners). Blame it on the traffic cut off, the tight security (I was stop twice actually to check my bags). But I think people just dun wan the hassle and the threat of a terror attack plus demostrators also hang in the air too. Suntec is the only place in Singapore I noticed had its fair share of counsumers even in the quiet afternoon of a busy weekday. But it was totally errie Indiana out there today!

It was so quiet that it was frightening, I only stay about half hour in that guost town, usually I will idle up to 2 hours min. Choosing to look at the koi, stare at the advertisement TV in the aquarium, and sleep at a clearing near the wealth fountain shoot. Also, a trip to the cinema (look at pictures lah, no money to see), plus a cuppa kopi at the kopi tiam shop near the cinema is among the favourite things I will do in this period of recovery and it's free too (maybe not the kopi). However, the peer pressure of the deaf surrounding the grave is so depressing it adds on to my already suffering soul. So, decide to leave early.

On my way out, notice a group of social escorts waiting for the ang moh from IMF, and they are really bombshell babes too, minium the standard of Dawn Yang lookalike.
Photobucket - Video and Image HostingShe's one of the most beautiful celebrity blogger in Singapore for the sake of people oversea who might not know.

The girls are also smart and eloquent in speech too, past by them and their conversation in English really puts my blogsite to shame (should ask them to blog for me instead). 1 of them even mention about receiving a huge tip from her client yesterday and was really delighted with the job, and if everday like that, 1 month can earn half a year salary liao. F**King ang moh, dun know they really really rich or just show off by blowing off half their salary on the 1st pretty ass they come across.
Yah, this standard...........

Ang moh kia, Ang moh kia, they come here, our traffic stops for them, our biz stops for them, our hotels welcomes them in open arms and feed them, they take our best women and some even our job, even though I am also PR lah, but no such luck! If you’re still in doubt, try what I like to call the Geylang Experiment, which is carried out thus:

1) Assuming you’re local, take an angmoh friend (fat one too to prove the point) with you to Geylang (you know, that bastion of anatomy where chicken is served, and not always on the plates…)
2) Take a walk down lorong 8 (or any even lorong for that matter)
3) Ask your pimp to bring the birds, (1 good looking and the other not so) , get your angmoh friend to say something rude, like “Wow, I love your breast!”
4) Watch the gorgeous lady giggle/blush/wink/offer her phone number/lick her lips/titter flirtatiously/all of the above
5) Watch the not so pretty one squirt like there is no tomorrow. (At this point point yu can even see a full fledge waterfall cuming out of her tight hot pants)
6) Now YOU say something mildly lascivious, like, “Nice legs”
7) Observe the silence as the 2 girl slog it out for his attention, totally in disregard for your feeling or disrespect for the size of your genitals.
8) Yu sigh as yu see your ang moh fren say goodbye to yu, both his hands too busy to even wave good bye, leaving yu alone in the cold streets, wishing yu stay home and watch Kobe Tai instead.
It’s your own silly fault for not being "charming", you. Unlike an angmoh. Deal with it!
But maybe if I have a little money...... Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

(PS: I am not suggesting that the esorts also moonlight as a err.... chicken, I think they have way too much class and style for those yanks/brits/aussie, no pun intended, just a observation)

Tuesday, September 12, 2006


Days So Far,

I thought I gave my spider image a rest and put up some mumbo/jumbo for a change.

Yap, the worse has happen, I am out of my tele-marketing job. The gaffer finally removed another 2 from the 6, and I was on it. I blame myself for not grabing any sales the whole of last week and that was the final nail in the coffin. He had a departure talk with me and tell me that I lack the X-factor plus luck factor (maybe the later). The reason why he keeps me on the team was that I was more hard-working than others and that impress him. Else,I would be out by the 2nd week with the rest, what can I do when majority of my calls ended up in dead-line/wrong number or out of town. Sucks!

I try imitating the top sales girl with exactly the her style too. Direct and Precise, and she drop those bastards like nothing, and I ended up getting rejection faster than I can say bye bye. Gosh, she is so much younger than me and in terms of speaking experience, I would definately outclass her rite? Hell no way, the majority male population in Hillview just like to hear her sweet 17yr old voice, and that goes for the lesbian out there too. I thought age/sex discremation only exists in the real world, not in fucking talk talk land. Sucks! I was using a survey-explanation-sales-approach but it really takes too long to cut into chez. So my boss request me to change to her style, even worse outcome. All I got to show for are a empty tissue box with my face buried in tears of fustration. A fitting sunday afternoon end for a typical loser.

I was also quite caught up in updating my soccer charts for fatspider-predictions on monday(link at the side bar). There was a total of 72 cat predictions over 17 countries, with the exception of Sweden (4 cat) which will complete tomorrow, I have 33 upwards swing (green), 14 downwards swing (red), the rest non-mover out of 68 cat so far for week 9-12th Sept. Not too bad for my just formulated sequence chart in England , and Romania was my top performer. Finland was my worse I would said.

Yesterday was just spent on the above and looking up some part time job (3 in total) to email out but so far the morning don't bring any cheers. Yeah, also pop into the library to catch up some Stephen King reading and borrow some books on blogging. (Need to upgrade mah, hope next time can bring in some dough in my bloggi).

As with the previous post, my mood have hit another low and I just leave yu with 1 or 2 videos;

Mocking Bird by my fav rapper Eminen

How Come by Eminen, D12 and may the late Proof rest in peace

Wednesday, September 06, 2006


Days so far;

Sucks, I am depress and feeling down. Depress because I am broke, ate a cup of instant noodle for dinner last nite(11pm, yap usually I eat so late) and cut my lip too. I know my fren/boss R did transfer some money for me $100 to tie over, and another W offer to help but still can't hide from the peer pressure of economic suppression. Also found out my part time job pay delay to 13th,Sept, as the accountant is on urgent leave for the next couple of days. :(

I am also feeling down as as another 2 is sickle from our group of 8 (part time), that leaves me as the acknowledged dead log. It is really becoming like a mutherf**king Apperentice series. On top of that, my weekend deals are all flow over, whichs means I have to call to comfirm again. Just have a sinking feeling similar to the shipmates when their ship was pull to the deepest bottom by the Kraken in 'Dead Man Chest'.

Tears Gone Cold I wonder why, got out of bed at all
The morning rain clouds up my window till I can see at all
Even If I could it will all be grey, with the darkness on the wall
The silent telling me it's not all rite, it's my last call

Not really in the mood for writing. My predictions are up for England/France (top 6), link it at the sidebar. Thanks for all your encouragement! Some clips to cheer yu guys as well.

Star Wars jokes

FMA Side theme (feature Withney Rockbelle)and Main theme (Edwards/Alphonsius)

Monday, September 04, 2006


Days so far;

Since the last post, just spending some time relaxing at home, makan and read thru other people's blog, broke lah. Lucky met up with a fren (sat) and he decided to lend me $20, tuesday I will get another $100 back from somebody, guess that will be it till payday at 10th, Sept. Really enduring, but it meant a lot of blog reading, which I personally enjoyed anyway.....not many league matches so a lot more free time tiz weekend.....:)

Back to my part time job, something interesting happen to me, as all may know, now I am doing part time tele-marketing, a lot depends on luck and your fate are more or less sealed by the sales performance. I came in sat, was doing so badly that until my last call, was getting zero all the way, a lot of the good ones have already hit 2 min, some 3 or 4. When my boss ask us to do last call, I was caught in a decision whether to choose Angmoh or Chinese from my lead (a list of address with telephone). I decided to go for the Chinese lah, since so bad luck, may as well end it. Angmoh will most probably be the better sales prospect. I call, this guy answer and I naturally do some small talk and inquire if he has a filter install at home. He reply 'yes' and I was about to throw in the towel and grab another survey form to fill up (for the competitor). That's when he start complaining that his old filtration system doesn't work properly....Ting! I have to give it a shot, I supported him and joke a bit and throw in some reassurance that our price is reasonable. Phew, he took the bait, and I have 1 potential at least. It shows that this kind of job can indicate your luck, so my luck swing from no good to good as the day go by. It all speaks true as I was supposed to collect $100 from my fren but he said only tuesday. I met up with another fren and upon learning I am down to my last $2, pass me $20 to help me get by first, that is to a certain aspect a swing in my luck too.

To be truth even if there are 8 people left, there are 5 that consistently bring in some sales everyday.Me and another 2 girls are the back-benchers, my boss has arrange for the 2 girls to sit in with the top 2, for the 1st hour next week to learn. I indicate that I like to sit in too but he reluctantly allowed me, maybe he thinks I am trying to laze off, but it is actually good to learn from the top people some of their mojo.


I love to read comics, from American (X-men, Spider Man) to menga (D-Gray, Full Metal Alchemists, Naruto, Bleach) to Honkie (DragonTigerGate, Magical Weapons, A Chinese Hero). It all started from a tender age and grew to a love in my later stages in life.

Late 70's to late 80's

I always remember Peter Parker in my early days as that was my very first comic book series that I read. Spider Man will always be a classic in my heart and I guess a lot of people (maybe loser like myself) can relate to. It shows us underdogs can bite back too, and Pete's wisecracks (similar to me in my early years) will always bring in more trouble than he can handle.

Other comic in that era that deserve a good read, American(SuperMan/Flash/JLA/Avengers/Hulk/Thor) and for menga (astro boy/ultarman/Devil God/Masked Rider/Blackjack the Doctor) and Honkie (DragonTigerGate/Buddha's Palm/Drunken Fist/A Chinese Hero)

I guess US comic are more creative during that era, the artwork and storyline are way beyond menga and Honkie comics. Menga are too innocent (storyline was poor but artwork was between US and Hookie), Honkie might have good story line but pales in artwork.

1. USA
2. Japan
3. Honkie

Early 90's to Millinium

This is the time X-men and to a certain extent Batman (late 90's due to show) were hot, probably due to the TV but the rest of the pack drop in packing order. I can't remember any good jap menga, but it tends to concentrate more on sports, with whistle/slam dunk/the first punch being more porpular, this period is the evolution of Honkie comics and this is the decade it announced its dominance in the comic market. Dragon/Tiger/Gate is still there but people are getting tired of it due to it's too elaborate storyline. A Chinese Hero is still there but the storyline really gone stagnant. The emergence of a certain TianXia (The World) is the moving force in this decade of Honkie comic and a lot of fans were brought over due to it. It is also the time a lot of comic shops that switch over from US to Honkie comics, made their profits. Yeah, no joke!

My favourite during this era, X-men,DragonTigerGate,A Chinese Hero, I don't really follow the craze, I know about TianXia but I just dun support them.

American comics storyline (exception of X-men) drop in compare to our Asian counterparts. Japan menga has improved in story and artistry but nothing can compare to TianXia, it sets the a new standard that was hard to follow.

1. Honkie
2. Japan
3. US

Millinium to 2006 (the dark/golden ages)

X-men/Spider Man/Batman make a revival due to the movies and to a certain extent Daredevil and Hellboy. This is the time Jap menga overtake everybody and stand centrestage in the arena. They have improved in leaps and bounds with Naruto/Bleach/D-Gray/FMA. In the Honkie side, TigerDragonGate made a comback with their redrawn version and is quite a hit. TianXia is stagnant, and Magical Weapons seems to be the driving force in the market. Also deserved a mention is TaTang/Shoot Condors. Singapore/Taiwan artists are also coming up too during this decade which have to be commended.

I would say this is the golden ages for all comic readers as the artists have raise the bar during this last 6 years and have produce very good quality literature. But I would also like to highlight the arrival of the dark ages, yes, no more is a comic just pure good vs evil. It dwells on the inner struggles of the hero (his deep dark elter ego) and sometimes the bad guy has a soft spot too which is also a pleasant surprise as well. Yu can says the stories have become darker but the utimate battle between good and evil still remains. It sures produce wonderful reading for everybody and the best of all yu get to choose a bad guy as your favourite character. MuaaHaha

My picks are X-Men/Naruto/Bleach/FMA/D-Gray/DragonTigerGate (Remix)/A Chinese Hero (Remix)/Magical Weapons.

1. Japan
2. Honkie
3. USA

Have also found a good link for all Naruto fans, enjoy!

Fatspider spinning out....

Saturday, September 02, 2006


Days so far;

Last 2 days, busy with setting up my 'Fatspider Chart Predictions' blog; finally a cheap platform to make my prdictions known to public, due to clashing with work, I am afraid Japan/China matches sometimes might not publish in time. But I do my best for the rest......most important is the top 6 league right!

Back to my part time job, my boss cut the squad (some resign too lah) from 20 to 9, on thursday. And another resign at the end of the day. Our working group was down to 8. I think he's also worry that he overdid it this time, but he is training up another class of 20 next week. Hence, the viscious cycle continues.

I must say I am quite surprise I am still in this 8, maybe with some people resigning I am temporary spared the fate but let's not jinx it. I was only late once but my attitude is quite good really, but my quota sucks 3 deal 1 sales 1 reject 1 pending, some guys that were sack was way better than me to be honest. I guess I really have to push myself a bit, but it is quite difficult to sell water puriflier, blame OSIM for penetrating the market first.

Went around on my off day and I makan/makan like crazy, blame it on stress, dun believe I ate away $13 at 3 differeny locations, all $3 stuff or so, but of course include tea/kopi too lah. After buying another $8 (4d & toto), down to my last $9, looks like have to endure a bit lah, tomorrow just take lunch and skip dinner (hope my mom buys). Need to borrow again....:(


Internet improvement (speed & security) over the last last decade has certainly increase opportunities over the web, more and more people order stuff over the net and resulting in more and more people been subsituted, or lay off. Look around you and yu know what I meant. Most of these people are former salesman themselves, usually in product/accessories sales. Eventually Singapore consumer concept will be similar to US, cyber purchase.

Of course there are other exceptions like myself, but my debacle was indirectly link to the internet too. The arrival of a software to convert about half of my labour and instantaneously produced and sent via internet (used to be fax/later email) to any corners of the world. Naturally, the company see this as a cheaper option; so there are people's life being ruin in the mist of technological development too. Good example here....:(

In the US, the sales sector (items sales) have drop so drastically that more and more people are switching over to the service sector and such a trend is surfacing here as well. I go for different kind of interviews and I see a lot of this similar in (30 +) age people sitting opposite me (vise versa when they stared back). The difference between them and me is majority works in shop and sell products, some from banks and sell fiancial plans, some even insurance agent caught in the x-fire.

Amist all this, internet work options have risen ; survey/type brochues/forum moderator/email-filter, but all requires yu to pay a certain amout of fees before the doors are open, ranging from $60 to $300, hold your horses between yu charged in (been there, done that), most of such adverbs are cheap (relatively), and promise yu jobs with good pay over the net, but however, it is open to US/Canada citizen, what is left in the pie is crumps so small, the 'kroaches' dun eat, let alone we have the whole South-East Asia, maybe China fighting for that job, just purse to think for a minute, the only winner here are the agencies. They take your fees and refund to some, to get good publicty, but most of the time; 'See yu later, Aligator'.

The other window of opportunities, are internet investment like AutoSurf/Hedge Fund/ HYIP. This present a higher percentage of return, but naturally the risks are much higher. To a lot of seasonal investers/punters, they will tell yu internet jobs are too slow for their liking thus a punt or 2 at the right investment , is the way to go. Yu have a better chance of losing your money at shares, some will say, but I feel it is equal. Shares yu usually still have a bit of money left if something goes astry but internet investments (ponzi) will leave yu dry unless yu do some background check on the payout frequency. But, 1 thing both are similar, set a target, go in quick, earn quick, and used half of it to roll. Dun be greedy, some can make a killing out of it, but please dun make a living out of it.

I myself have personally done a lot of background check (forum/investments article) on my internet investment agency (12dp) and everybody gives thumbs up, the payout is average (12% for 20 days), lots of much better ones out there, but they closed shop and run too fast. The payout frequency is smooth too. But, in the end the US government steps in and closed the operation, it is still undergoing investigations but the distribution of funds will take years to resolve. I got my own 3k+ stuck inside and looks like will only get back crumbs.

So the next best thing is to set up your website (my blog, cheapest lah), and hope for some miracle to happen. I won't reveal too much for the time being how I intend to do that, but it is definately not thru collecting kangtao money on the web. From what I know it could be against the law. No, my predictions is free from my charts. (Of course, my selective opinion is another thing altogether, haha) I just hope to grow in publicity for the moment.

Like a guru (there's a show about him, he is skid-zo crasy, but win noble prize) once gave a economics theory, 5 man go to a bar and there are 5 girl in the bar, 1 of the bitch looks like Fiona Xie, rest range from the lesser beauties like Apple Hong to Patriacia Mok, if all 5 hit on Fiona, hack the chances of success are so much zero, if the boys had a agreement and all of them aim for individual targets except Fiona, at least 3/4 pairs will go home happy. Leaving Fiona to lower her target and thus reach out for the remaining. This is a law of biz and also 1 of the law of ShuZiPinFa. My point....the bar is the internet.....the boys are like making a switch from other line...... Fiona (investment).......Apple (internet jobs).......someone(retail over internet)...........and that leaves me with Pat Mok (self start website). Hey, she also not bad lei, she sometimes wear sexy sexy I also abit turn on sia. But someone direct me to Felicia Chin, can?

Fatspider Spinning Out.........

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